"to distinguish" in Spanish
"to distinguish" in Spanish
to distinguish(also: to discern)
to distinguish good from evil
discernir el bien del mal
to distinguish sth from sth
discernir algo de algo
Another observation is that it is important to distinguish between what measures are effective at an EU level and which belong at another level.
Otra observación es que es importante discernir entre las medidas eficaces a nivel de la UE, y las que pertenecen a otro nivel.
We do agree that some rigour is called for, but the various positions need to be distinguished if this reform is to have a real meaning.
Nosotros abogamos por un cierto rigor, pero, eso sí, discriminando las posiciones de unos y de otros para que esa reforma tenga realmente algún sentido.
it is necessary to distinguish cooperation in the proper sense, from violence or
primer lugar, es necesario distinguir la cooperación propiamente dicha de
It should properly distinguish between retail and professional investors.
Ha de distinguir adecuadamente entre inversores particulares y profesionales.
It is also important to distinguish between the different third countries.
También es importante distinguir entre los diferentes terceros países.
We need to distinguish between the suicide bomber and his or her recruiter.
Tenemos que diferenciar entre el terrorista suicida y la persona que le recluta.
It is high time we learned to distinguish rather more sharply between the two.
Es hora ya de que aprendamos a diferenciar mejor entre ambas cosas.
Here we have to distinguish two different ways of making that link.
En este punto, tenemos que diferenciar dos maneras distintas de establecer ese vínculo.
Context examples for "to distinguish" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This is mentioned in order to distinguish it from the Serbian Orthodox group.
Esta mención se hace expresamente para distinguirla del grupo ortodoxo serbio.
That is something completely different and we need to distinguish very carefully.
Son cosas totalmente diferentes y debemos distinguirlas con mucho cuidado.
We should really distinguish between the two, which is why we should vote today.
Debemos mantenerlo realmente por separado, por lo que debemos votar hoy.
It is not always easy to distinguish clearly between the victims and the persecutors.
No siempre es fácil hacer una división categórica entre víctimas y verdugos.
Mr Prodi, you refuse to distinguish between the market-based Europe and the social Europe.
Se niega usted, señor Prodi, a oponer la Europa del mercado y la Europa social.
We must try to distinguish between what we want to achieve and what the current reality is.
Tenemos que intentar mantener separados, por un momento, los deseos y la realidad.
We must also distinguish between short-term and long-term measures.
Asimismo, tenemos hacer una distinción entre las medidas a corto y a largo plazo.
must distinguish all the followers of Christ as we travel along the path of ever
caracterizar a todos los discípulos de Cristo, mientras caminamos
When applying the principle it is difficult to distinguish between these aspects.
Al aplicar el principio, resulta difícil separar estos aspectos.
Three: we must distinguish clearly between the PKK and the Kurds.
Tercero: es preciso establecer una clara distinción entre el PKK y los kurdos.
Innovation in this sector is only possible if one product can distinguish itself from another.
La innovación en este sector solo es posible si un producto consigue distinguirse de otro.
the need to clarify and distinguish the various meanings which have accrued to
acepciones que el término « ministerio » ha asumido en el
Of course it is important to distinguish between specific things as Mr Menrad himself has done.
Evidentemente, es preciso mantener separadas algunas cosas, como ha hecho el propio Menrad.
It is at this point that I wish to distinguish between universal service and universal access.
A estas alturas deseo hacer una distinción entre el servicio universal y el acceso universal.
tends more to distinguish different kinds of knowing.
parámetros propios de la época moderna, orientada principalmente a la división
I believe it should distinguish itself by taking action in this area.
Pienso que debería lucirse con su actuación en este ámbito.
I think it is a pity that the report does not distinguish between hard and soft drugs.
Lamento que en el informe Burtone no se establezca ninguna distinción entre drogas blandas y drogas duras.
They cannot be accurately targeted; they do not distinguish between soldiers and civilians, adults or children.
Hace siete años las minas se empleaban en 19 países; ahora probablemente en 5.
There are however further aspects of the uprising in Kyrgyzstan that distinguish it from others of its kind.
El mes pasado, Kirguistán se deshizo de un líder autoritario tras unas elecciones injustas.
Library staff have the important task of teaching people to distinguish between education and sensation.
La tarea del personal de las bibliotecas consiste en ayudar a las personas a hacer esta distinción.
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