
"director general" in English

director general{masculine}
El viernes Steffen Smidt es Director general y no figura en la lista de rotaciones.
On Friday, Mr Smidt was Director-General and was not on the rotations list.
Actividades del Director General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio Natural y Cultural
UNESCO Director General in the fiels of Cultural or Natural Heritage
Supachai Panitchpakdi es el primer Director General de un país en desarrollo.
Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi is the first Director-General from a developing country.
El viernes Steffen Smidt es Director general y no figura en la lista de rotaciones.
On Friday, Mr Smidt was Director-General and was not on the rotations list.
Actividades del Director General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio Natural y Cultural
UNESCO Director General in the fiels of Cultural or Natural Heritage
Supachai Panitchpakdi es el primer Director General de un país en desarrollo.
Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi is the first Director-General from a developing country.
governor general{noun} [Brit.] (chief administrator)
mal asunto, mañana viene el director general
I don't like the look of this, the general manager's coming tomorrow
"Estamos usando iNEWS para todo", indica Laurie Fruth, Director General de UNLV TV y Director Adjunto de la Escuela de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual.
“We’re using iNEWS for everything,” confirms Laurie Fruth, General Manager, UNLV TV and Assistant Director, School of Journalism and Media Studies.
Simultáneamente, fue Director General del Consorcio Eureka-Eurotourism, sin ánimo de lucro, dedicado a la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías al turismo, de 2001 a 2004.
Simultaneously, he was General Manager of the non-profit Eureka Eurotourism Consortium, devoted to promote the application of new technologies in tourism.
On Friday, Mr Smidt was Director-General and was not on the rotations list.
El viernes Steffen Smidt es Director general y no figura en la lista de rotaciones.
UNESCO Director General in the fiels of Cultural or Natural Heritage
Actividades del Director General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio Natural y Cultural
Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi is the first Director-General from a developing country.
Supachai Panitchpakdi es el primer Director General de un país en desarrollo.
UNESCO Director-General's activities in the field of cultural and natural heritage
Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio
UNESCO Director-General's activities in the field of cultural and natural heritage ~~~

Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio
UNESCO Director-General's activities in the field of cultural and natural heritage Go to the top
Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio
On Friday, Mr Smidt was Director-General and was not on the rotations list.
El viernes Steffen Smidt es Director general y no figura en la lista de rotaciones.
UNESCO Director General in the fiels of Cultural or Natural Heritage
Actividades del Director General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio Natural y Cultural
Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi is the first Director-General from a developing country.
Supachai Panitchpakdi es el primer Director General de un país en desarrollo.

Context examples for "director general" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
También se ha avanzado en cuanto al nombramiento del director general.
Further steps have been taken on the appointment of the executive director.
Su director general obtuvo recientemente una bonificación personal de 17 millones de libras.
Their chief executive recently earned a personal bonus of£IRL 17 million.
He sido director general y sé que la racionalización es una de las medidas más fáciles.
I myself was a company director, and rationalization is one of the easiest things to resort to.
Michael Chen,Director General de Servicios de Información Trend Micro
Michael Chen,Global Vendor Manager of Information ServicesTrend Micro
Mi papel en ese consejo de administración será el de director general.
My role on that board will be that of the chief executive officer.
Desde el principio la Comisión decidió que el actual Director General era su candidato favorito.
The Commission considered the present Director to be its favourite candidate from the outset.
¿Los diferentes Directores Generales, el Director General del Presupuesto o el responsable contable?
The individual Directors-General, the Budget Directorate-General, or the accounting officer?
Finalmente, quiero dar las gracias a la Comisión por establecer un Director General de Derechos Humanos.
Finally, I would like to thank very much the Commission for setting up a DG on Human Rights.
Michael Chen,Director General de Servicios de Información Trend Micro
Morten Bro,Global IT Operations ManagerRockwool Group
Federico Mayor General Director, UNESCO
Justo Nieto Nieto Forum UNESCO President Rector, Polytechnic University of Valencia
Morten Bro,Director General de Operaciones de TI Rockwool Group
Morten Bro,Global IT Operations ManagerRockwool Group
Federico Mayor General Director, UNESCO The organization of the 4th.
Justo Nieto Nieto Forum UNESCO President Rector, Polytechnic University of Valencia - The organization of the 4th.
Sospecho que dichos informes se filtran hacia arriba hasta llegar al nivel de director general de la Comisión Europea.
I suspect those reports filter as far up as directors-general in the European Commission.
Su director general se queja de que los Estados Unidos invierten ya seis veces más que Europea en armamento e investigación.
The decision could not have been adopted without the agreement of all the Heads of State.
Presidente / Director y Gerente General / Director Administrativo / Director Ejecutivo
Chairman and Managing Director
Joshua Shaw, Director general, Belay Development
Joshua Shaw, Chief Executive Officer, Belay Development
establecimiento por el Director General (ESD 8.7)
interpretation of covered agreements (WTO IX:2)
In Jun Park es Director General de la estación de YongPyong, la más famosa estación de montaña de Corea.
Mr. In Jun Park is Managing Director in YongPyong Resort(the "Resort"), the most renowned mountain resort in Korea.
Director General de la estación de montaña de YongPyong
Managing Director of YongPyong Resort