
"convicto" in English

Cinco de los 11 sitios convictos en el listado del Patrimonio Mundial están situados en Tasmania.
Five of the 11 convict sites in the World Heritage listing are located in Tasmania.
También fue donde diez convictos terroristas del IRA se suicidaron durante su huelga de hambre.
That was also where ten convicted IRA terrorists committed suicide during their hunger strike.
Estoy, de hecho, sorprendido por la negativa del gobierno de Lula a extraditar a este asesino convicto a un Estado miembro europeo.
I am indeed surprised at the refusal of the Lula administration to extradite this convicted murderer to a European Member State.
Otro problema es el de que no se mantiene separados a los presos preventivos de los convictos y condenados.
Another problem is that remand prisoners are not held apart from those who have been convicted and sentenced.
En cuarto lugar, la mayoría de los reclusos -hombres y mujeres- son delincuentes convictos, y muchos han cometido crímenes atroces.
Fourthly, most prisoners - men and women - are convicted criminals, and many have committed atrocious acts against other human beings.
Asunto: Intercambio de información sobre pedófilos convictos
Subject: Sharing information on convicted paedophiles
convicto de asesinato
convicted of murder
Estoy, de hecho, sorprendido por la negativa del gobierno de Lula a extraditar a este asesino convicto a un Estado miembro europeo.
I am indeed surprised at the refusal of the Lula administration to extradite this convicted murderer to a European Member State.
to assure[assured · assured] {v.t.} (convince)
Quisiera convencer al señor Trakatellis de ello.
I would very much like to assure Mr Trakattellis of this fact.
Puedo asegurarles que estoy convencido de que la Unión Europea cuenta con excelentes mecanismos y medidas.
I can assure you with personal conviction that the European Union has good mechanisms and that we have the measures.
Cada vez que la industria del tabaco convence a un joven, suele contar con otro cliente seguro.
Once the tobacco industry has won over a young person, it is generally assured of another regular customer.
to bring around {vb} (persuade)
to get around {vb} (persuade, win over)
to prevail on {vb} [form.]
Tenemos que convencer a la sociedad turca de que reconozca el genocidio armenio de 1919.
We must prevail upon Turkish society to recognise the Armenian genocide of 1919.
¡Por todo ello, estoy convencido de que la razón vencerá!
That is why I am convinced that common sense will prevail in the end.
Estoy convencido de que tarde que temprano prevalecerán la razón y el consenso y que se utiizará esta cláusula.
I am convinced that, sooner or later, reason and consensus will prevail and that this clause will be used.
to snow[snowed · snowed] {v.t.} (persuade)
to talk around {vb} (persuade)
Evidentemente, estos países han logrado convencer también a la Comisión.
Obviously these countries have in the meantime also managed to convince the Commission.
Por ello, nuestro objetivo fundamental debería ser convencer a las empresas.
Therefore, it should be a goal for all of us to convince the companies.
Es necesario convencer a una enorme mayoría de ellos para obtener la mayoría cualificada.
You have to convince a very large majority of them to get a qualified majority.
Ésta no es la forma de convencer a estos países para que se impliquen en el proceso.
This is not the way to persuade such countries to become involved in the process.
En mi opinión, no debe tratar de convencer al Parlamento para que cambie su postura.
In my opinion, you should not attempt to persuade Parliament to change its position.
Tenemos que convencer a nuestros socios de que emprendan la cooperación Sur-Sur.
We have to persuade our partners to engage in South-South cooperation.
al final conseguí convencer a mis padres
I finally managed to talk my parents round
Cualquier persona con la que uno hable le convencerá de que su propio sistema destaca.
Anyone you talk to will convince you that their system stands out.
convencer a algn de que
to talk sb around to sth

Synonyms (Spanish) for "convencer":
Context examples for "convicto" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
convicto de asesinato
convicted of murder