
"amigablemente" in English

"amigablemente" in English
amigable{adjective masculine/feminine}
amicably{adv.} [idiom]
La persona que había estado en mi despacho y que amigablemente había conversado conmigo sobre temas políticos, había desaparecido.
The person who had sat in my office and with whom I had talked warmly and companionably about politics had disappeared.
amigable{adjective masculine/feminine}
Espero que el precedente amigable y productivo demostrado aquí se repita en muchas otras ocasiones.
I hope that the amicable and productive precedent shown here will be followed on many other occasions.
¿Somos amigables, callados y discretos de cara a la próxima Conferencia intergubernamental, de la próxima Conferencia de Amsterdam?
Are we to adopt an amicable stance towards the forthcoming Intergovernmental Conference in Amsterdam - a quiet and unassuming attitude?
Se trata de alentar el uso racional de las acciones legales, y no el activismo judicial y, sobre todo, de propiciar la solución amigable y temprana de conflictos.
The aim is to encourage the rational use of legal actions and not judicial activism, and above all to promote the amicable and early settlement of disputes.
Hay quienes me han preguntado si quizás no soy demasiado amigable con Croacia.
There are those who have asked me whether I am not perhaps too friendly to Croatia.
Debo decir que hubo mucha comprensión mutua e incluso una atmósfera amigable.
I must say that there was quite a lot of mutual understanding and there was even a friendly atmosphere.
El mercado interior debe ser más atractivo en su conjunto para llegar a ser un ambiente empresarial amigable e innovador.
The internal market must be made more attractive as a whole in order to become an innovative and business friendly environment.
pally{adj.} [coll.]
companionable{adj.} (person)

Context examples for "amigablemente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
la gente del lugar no nos recibió muy amigablemente
we got an unfriendly reception from the local people
El primer paso para ello es tener la valentía de expresar, amigablemente, algunas verdades, aunque sean incómodas o resulten inoportunas.
The first step along that road is having the courage to speak the truth in all friendliness, however uncomfortable or inconvenient that truth may be.