
"aborrecido" in English

"aborrecido" in English
aborrecido{adjective masculine}
aborrecido{adjective masculine}
Más bien lo contrario porque su estrella está bajando en los sondeos de opinión mientras la de su aborrecida misión de la OSCE está en claro ascenso.
Quite the reverse, in fact. While in the opinion polls, his popularity is consistently declining, that of the OSCE mission so detested by him is on the increase.
to hate[hated · hated] {v.t.} (loathe)
El que ama a su mujer, as í mismo se ama, y nadie aborrece jamás su propia carne, sino que la alimenta y la abriga como Cristo a la Iglesia, porque somos miembros de su cuerpo".
He who loves his wife loves himself. For no man ever hates his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body."
to abhor {v.t.}
Recordar Hiroshima es aborrecer la guerra nuclear.
To remember Hiroshima is to abhor nuclear war.
El actual líder de Djibouti esta haciendo cosas que aborrecemos por completo.
The leader of Djibouti today is doing things that we absolutely abhor.
Nosotros aborrecemos el vergonzoso trato hacia este distinguido artista por parte del Gobierno chino.
We abhor the Chinese Government's disgraceful treatment of this distinguished artist.
En el Parlamento aborrecemos y rechazamos su filosofía y nos sentimos deshonrados, francamente, por su presencia en esta Asamblea.
We here abhor and reject his philosophy and we are demeaned, frankly, by his presence in this House.