
"odiar" in English

"odiar" in English
Personalmente, odio este hábito -sencillamente lo detesto- y aplaudo la prohibición que ha sido introducida en mi país.
Personally I hate the stuff - just loathe the stuff - and I welcome the ban that has been introduced in my country.
odiar a muerte
to loathe
odiar[odiando · odiado] {transitive verb}
odiar a muerte
to detest
Señor Presidente, no podemos transigir con los que odian la libertad y la democracia.
Mr President, there can be no compromise with those who hate freedom and democracy.
Sé que todos odian al Presidente Klaus porque cree en la democracia nacional.
I know that you all hate President Klaus because he believes in national democracy.
En mi sueño le preguntaba: «¿Por qué nos odia usted tanto a los europeos y a los estadounidenses?»
In the dream I asked him: ‘Why did you hate us Europeans and Americans so much?’

Context examples for "odiar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
De hecho, cuando las mujeres se alzan exigiendo igualdad con los hombres, se las acusa de feminismo o de odiar a los hombres.
Indeed, when women stand up for gender equality, they are accused of feminism or of hating men.
Les resulta penoso seguir compartiendo sus vidas, pero no han llegado a odiar a su antiguo compañero o compañera.
They find it unpleasant to continue sharing each other's lives, but they do not start hating their ex-partner.
me hice odiar apagándoles la televisión
I made myself very unpopular by turning off the TV
llegué a odiar aquella rutina
I grew to hate the routine
odiar a algn a muerte
to hate sb like poison
Por suerte, se nos ha enseñado a ocultarnos, a protegernos y a odiar, ya que tales son nuestros derechos básicos, y a eso han sido reducidos.
Fortunately, we have been taught to hide, to protect ourselves and to hate, for such are our basic rights, and this is what they have been reduced to.
odiar a muerte
to detest
odiar a muerte
to loathe
to hate -ing
. - (ES) Señor Presidente, señor Iturgaiz, haber ganado unas elecciones no da permiso para odiar la legislación europea.
on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. - (ES) Mr President, Mr Iturgaiz, winning elections does not give anybody the right to show disdain for European legislation.
De hecho, cuando las mujeres se alzan exigiendo igualdad con los hombres, se las acusa de feminismo o de odiar a los hombres.
It is sometimes stated that, at the rate at which the work on equality is going at present, we shall still have hundreds of years to go before we feel that we live in an equal society.
Me gustaría terminar con una cita de George Bernard Shaw:« El mayor pecado no es odiar al prójimo sino no mostrar interés alguno por él, eso es la esencia de lo inhumano».
I should like to finish with a quote from George Bernard Shaw: 'To hate your fellow man is not the ultimate sin but to be apathetic towards him, that is the essence of inhumanity '.
Me gustaría terminar con una cita de George Bernard Shaw: « El mayor pecado no es odiar al prójimo sino no mostrar interés alguno por él, eso es la esencia de lo inhumano».
I should like to finish with a quote from George Bernard Shaw: 'To hate your fellow man is not the ultimate sin but to be apathetic towards him, that is the essence of inhumanity' .