
"rendir homenaje a" in English

"rendir homenaje a" in English
Señor Presidente, quisiera rendir homenaje a su liderazgo.
Mr President, I would like to salute your leadership.
Quisiera rendir homenaje a las tres Gracias del informe: Sra. Fontaine, Ministra -Sra.
I should like to salute the three Graces of this report: Mrs Fontaine, the Minister - Mrs Jacobs - and the rapporteur.

Context examples for "rendir homenaje a" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
organizada por la Unesco, quiero rendir homenaje a los hombres y mujeres que,
organized by UNESCO, I would like to pay hommage to the men and women who down
Señor Presidente, ante todo quisiera rendir homenaje a nuestros tres ponentes.
Mr, President, first of all I want to pay tribute to our three rapporteurs.
En primer lugar, desearía rendir homenaje a la ponente, la Sra. Carrère d'Encausse.
Firstly I must pay tribute to Mrs Carrère d'Encausse, the rapporteur.
Me gustaría rendir homenaje a la increíble labor que ha realizado allí y en otros lugares.
I pay tribute to the incredible work that she has done there and elsewhere.
Seguramente sería buena idea rendir homenaje a estos mártires no adoptándola.
It would probably be a good idea, as a tribute to these martyrs, not to adopt this directive.
Quiero rendir homenaje a su equipo por haberla reestructurado a fondo.
I want to pay tribute to your team for having fundamentally reshaped it.
Me gustaría rendir homenaje a los soldados y civiles que están arriesgando sus vidas en Iraq.
I would like to pay tribute to the soldiers and civilians risking their lives in Iraq.
Deseo rendir homenaje a sus miembros y a su presidente, el Sr. Napolitano.
I would therefore like to congratulate the members and the chair of the committee, Mr Napolitano.
Quiero rendir homenaje a los dos Presidentes de nuestro Parlamento durante esta legislatura.
I want to pay tribute to the two Presidents of our Parliament during this parliamentary term.
Desearía rendir homenaje a todos aquellos que trazaron el camino y a los que lo siguieron.
I would like to pay tribute to all those who mapped out this course and those who have followed it.
Como segundo orador, deseo rendir homenaje a la Sra. van den Burg.
As the second speaker, I want to pay tribute to Mrs van den Burg.
Por esta razón deberíamos rendir homenaje a los negociadores.
The EU set the agenda time and again. This is why we should pay tribute to the negotiators.
Quisiera también rendir homenaje a la labor realizada por el Sr. Söderman durante los últimos años.
I would also like to pay a tribute to the work done by Mr Söderman over the last few years.
Una vez más quisiera rendir homenaje a su Señoría y a todos quienes han trabajado con él.
Once again I would like to pay a tribute to the honourable Member and to all those who worked with him.
Quiero rendir homenaje a ellos y a todos los trabajadores que han organizado este maravilloso edificio.
I want to pay tribute to them and all the workers who put together this wonderful building.
Hay que rendir homenaje a su trabajo y su compromiso.
I would like to thank him for his work and his commitment in this area.
Me gustaría rendir homenaje a los soldados y civiles que están arriesgando sus vidas en Iraq.
There is a chance of success, but this requires determination and a correct assessment of the situation.
Mi Grupo desea rendir homenaje a los colegas que han participado en la Comisión de investigación.
My group wants to pay tribute to those colleagues who have been engaged in the committee of inquiry.
Hoy, veinticinco años más tarde, quiero rendir homenaje a «Solidaridad» en mi calidad de polaco y europeo.
Today, 25years later, I should like to pay tribute to Solidarity as a Pole and as a European.
Hoy, veinticinco años más tarde, quiero rendir homenaje a« Solidaridad» en mi calidad de polaco y europeo.
Today, 25 years later, I should like to pay tribute to Solidarity as a Pole and as a European.