
"no reconocido" in English

"no reconocido" in English
no reconocido{adjective}
unacknowledged{adj.} (unrecognized)
unrecognized{adj.} (unacknowledged)

Context examples for "no reconocido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Como se sabe, muchos Estados miembros no han reconocido la independencia de Kosovo.
As is known, many EU Member States have not recognised the independence of Kosovo.
Cinco miembros de la UE, como Francia, no han reconocido la independencia de Kosovo.
Five EU Member States, including France, have not recognised Kosovo's independence.
Un trabajo que no ha estado reconocido ni valorado, tanto económica como socialmente.
This work has not been recognised or valued, either economically or socially.
¿Acaso entraría Turquía si no hubiese reconocido a Francia o al Reino Unido?
If it had not recognised France or the United Kingdom, would Turkey be in?
El Consejo es el único que no ha reconocido aún que esto es lo que realmente se necesita.
Only the Council has not yet acknowledged that this is actually what is needed.
Por último, quiero reconfirmar que Rumania no ha reconocido la independencia de Kosovo.
Finally, I wish to reconfirm that Romania has not recognised Kosovo's independence.
Trabajan menos, ya que el trabajo doméstico no es reconocido como un trabajo válido.
They work less, as household work is not acknowledged as legitimate work.
El niño debe ser reconocido, no como un objeto de consumo sino como un verdadero ciudadano.
Children have to be recognized not as consumer goods but as genuine citizens.
No se ha reconocido el genocidio armenio de 1915 y no se acepta la soberanía de Chipre.
The Armenian genocide of 1915 has not been recognised, and nor has Cyprus’s sovereignty.
No es aceptable tener vínculos directos con un régimen no reconocido.
It would not be acceptable to have direct links with a regime that is not recognised.
No se ha reconocido el genocidio armenio de 1915 y no se acepta la soberanía de Chipre.
The Armenian genocide of 1915 has not been recognised, and nor has Cyprus’ s sovereignty.
Desde una perspectiva económica, su potencial no ha sido reconocido o explotado plenamente.
From an economic perspective its potential has not been fully recognised or exploited.
No se ha reconocido la urgente necesidad de un desarrollo sostenible ecológico y social.
The urgent need for ecologically and socially sustainable development has been disregarded.
El Consejo todavía no ha reconocido este deseo, pero el acuerdo sí lo ha hecho.
This wish has so far not been recognised by the Council, but that is now the case with this agreement.
En la actualidad, hay cinco Estados miembros que no han reconocido la independencia de Kosovo.
Today, there are five Member States which have not recognised the independence of Kosovo.
La ONU no ha reconocido a esos demandantes la cualificación para votar en la consulta.
The UN has not recognised the authors of those appeals as being entitled to vote in the referendum.
Puede que Taiwán no sea reconocido como país, que no se le pueda conceder esta categoría.
It may be that Taiwan will not be recognised as a country, that it cannot be given such a status.
Por ello, la Comunidad no ha reconocido en ningún momento su legitimidad.
Thus, at no stage did the Community recognize their legality.
Por mucho que la Comisión haya reconocido que no será un precedente, la presión estará ahí.
However much the Commission has said that it will not be a precedent, the pressure will be there.
Intentaba aumentar los vínculos económicos con el régimen no reconocido de Chipre del Norte.
That would have sought to increase economic ties with the unrecognised regime in Northern Cyprus.