
"no hay problema" in English

"no hay problema" in English
Y una vez más quiero terminar diciéndoles que no hay problema presupuestario.
And I want to conclude by telling you once again that there is no budgetary problem.
No obstante, no hay problema con las enmiendas.
However, there is no problem with the amendments.
No hay problema: puedes descargarlo rápidamente).
No problem—it's a quick download.)

Similar translations for "no hay problema" in English
Context examples for "no hay problema" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He de repetir que, si se trata simplemente de billetes de promoción, no hay problema.
Again, if it is just about promotional fares, that is all right.
No hay problema, pero en tal caso deberá presentarse aquí con puntualidad para presentar sus puntos de vista al Parlamento.
That is fine but then he should please be here on time to submit his view to Parliament.
Entonces no hay problema.
Mr President, it is best not to think about how this country is being run, because then, everything is under control.
por mí no hay problema
that's fine by me
Asimismo, debo tranquilizarle: el tiempo que ha empleado para manifestar su legítima protesta no se descontará de su tiempo de palabra, así que no hay problema al respecto.
We in the European Parliament have begun our work and from now on we are going to demand compliance with our requests.
Hay colegas de esta Asamblea que afirman que cuando el objetivo es la persecución de un delito y la policía actúa por orden de un juez, no hay problema.
There are Members of this House who agree that it is acceptable for the police to intercept communications in pursuance of a court order for the purpose of criminal prosecution.
Entonces, usted nos dijo:« No hay problema, si hay un Comisario con conflictos de intereses, será un Comisario a jornada parcial y yo, Barroso, me ocuparé de los asuntos.
After auditioning some of your musicians, we found a pianist on the oboe and violinists playing the drums and, following these auditions, we told you that the music did not sound right.