
"minimum pay" in Spanish

"minimum pay" in English
Workers' rights, such as minimum pay, working hours and health and safety, have not been such obvious issues to those who have profited from competitive bidding.
No todos los adjudicatarios de contrataciones públicas ven los derechos de los trabajadores -el salario mínimo, los horarios de trabajo, la protección laboral- como algo obvio.
Workers ' rights, such as minimum pay, working hours and health and safety, have not been such obvious issues to those who have profited from competitive bidding.
No todos los adjudicatarios de contrataciones públicas ven los derechos de los trabajadores -el salario mínimo, los horarios de trabajo, la protección laboral- como algo obvio.

Context examples for "minimum pay" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The proposal for a directive rightly begins by establishing the principle of minimum rates of pay and the entitlement of posted workers to annual holidays.
El proyecto de directiva señala en la dirección correcta al determinar el principio del salario mínimo.
I am unable to accept the remaining amendments, in particular Amendment No 13 which aims to increase the minimum period for pay to six months.
No puedo aceptar el resto de enmiendas, en particular la enmienda 13 que pretende aumentar el período mínimo para la paga a seis meses.
Workers' rights, such as minimum pay, working hours and health and safety, have not been such obvious issues to those who have profited from competitive bidding.
No todos los adjudicatarios de contrataciones públicas ven los derechos de los trabajadores -el salario mínimo, los horarios de trabajo, la protección laboral- como algo obvio.
Workers ' rights, such as minimum pay, working hours and health and safety, have not been such obvious issues to those who have profited from competitive bidding.
No todos los adjudicatarios de contrataciones públicas ven los derechos de los trabajadores -el salario mínimo, los horarios de trabajo, la protección laboral- como algo obvio.
And, thirdly, the provisions on minimum rates of pay and paid annual holidays may be waived if the amount of work to be carried out during the posting is insignificant.
En tercer lugar, el salario mínimo y el derecho a las vacaciones anuales se podrán suspender si los trabajos a realizar en el marco del desplazamiento son de escasa importancia.
This would also help to tackle the grey economy by preventing unfair competition on the part of businesses paying their workers at a rate less than the minimum rate of pay.
Esto también contribuiría a abordar la economía sumergida evitando la competencia desleal de aquellas empresas que pagan a sus trabajadores un salario inferior al salario mínimo.