
"military regime" in Spanish

"military regime" in English
It is as if there were a problem between the political leadership and the military regime.
Es como si hubiera un problema entre los dirigentes políticos y el régimen militar.
The military regime is becoming more aggressive as regards political prisoners.
El régimen militar se está volviendo más agresivo en lo que respecta a los presos políticos.
They live under a military regime in the guise of a pseudo-democracy.
Predomina un régimen militar bajo la capa de una falsa democracia.

Context examples for "military regime" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The war legitimizes its police and military regime and its occupation of Lebanon.
Esta guerra legitima su régimen policial y militar y su ocupación del Líbano.
The behaviour of the military regime in Pakistan is absolutely unacceptable.
La manera de proceder del Gobierno pakistaní es completamente inaceptable.
It is as if there were a problem between the political leadership and the military regime.
Es como si hubiera un problema entre los dirigentes políticos y el régimen militar.
The military regime is becoming more aggressive as regards political prisoners.
El régimen militar se está volviendo más agresivo en lo que respecta a los presos políticos.
Burma has been under a totalitarian military regime for 45 years.
Myanmar ha estado sometida a un régimen militar totalitario durante 45 años.
Burma's military regime has no moral or legal justification for their activities of any type.
Las acciones del régimen militar de Myanmar no tienen justificación moral ni jurídica.
These groups have been able to continue their activities legally under the military regime.
Estos grupos han podido seguir con sus actividades de forma legal bajo el régimen militar.
They live under a military regime in the guise of a pseudo-democracy.
Predomina un régimen militar bajo la capa de una falsa democracia.
The Muslim ethnic minority is also being persecuted by the ruling military regime in Burma.
La minoría étnica musulmana es también perseguida por el régimen militar gobernante en Birmania.
People must understand that investing in Burma amounts to direct support for the military regime.
Ha de saberse que las inversiones en Birmania constituyen un apoyo directo a la dictadura militar.
And what of the military's influence over the regime which is still powerful?
¿Y la tutela militar del régimen, que persiste?
The ruling military regime has not, however, taken any steps on the path towards democracy.
Pero el régimen militar gobernante no ha tomado ninguna medida para iniciar un proceso de democratización.
The military regime came into power by force in 1988.
El régimen militar subió al poder usando la violencia en 1988.
Measures such as freezing the military regime's assets are also good, but they do not really help either.
Las medidas como congelar los créditos al régimen militar también son buenas. Pero no sirven de mucho.
These groups have been able to continue their activities legally under the military regime.
Una vez que ayudó a la intervención militar americana en Afganistán, se le consideró repentinamente aliado americano.
Mr President, the military regime in Burma continues to persecute political opponents without restraint.
Presidente, el gobierno militar de Birmania sigue persiguiendo sin reservas a los adversarios políticos.
Those demonstrating against the military regime (including the monks) are showing immense courage.
Quienes se manifiestan contra el régimen militar (incluyendo los monjes) están dando pruebas de un valor inmenso.
Parliament is sure to approve this sanction against the military regime in Burma today, and the next step is now up to the Council.
Este Parlamento aprobará hoy sin duda la abolición del régimen militar en Birmania.
We are convinced that the Nigerian people would not peacefully accept another military regime.
Estamos convencidos de que la población de Nigeria no aceptaría pacíficamente la prolongación de la sucesión de regímenes militares.
But multinational oil companies, including European ones such as Total, continue to support the military regime.
Pero las compañías petroleras internacionales, incluso las europeas como Total, siguen apoyando el régimen militar.