
"manifestly" in Spanish

Manifestly, the first and main issue is the quality of the decision-making process in the Union.
Evidentemente, se trata ante todo de la calidad del proceso de decisión en la Unión.
Of course, our political choices are manifestly different and are sometimes at odds with one another.
Por supuesto, nuestras elecciones políticas son evidentemente diferentes y están muchas veces enfrentadas entre sí.
Romania, a manifestly European country, but one which fails to meet the criteria by a long chalk, is being rushed through, as it were.
A Rumanía, un país evidentemente europeo pero que no cumple los criterios, se le está metiendo prisa.
But it is what Europe ’ s leaders are manifestly failing to provide.
Pero los líderes europeos se muestran manifiestamente incapaces de lograrlo.
But it is what Europe’s leaders are manifestly failing to provide.
Pero los líderes europeos se muestran manifiestamente incapaces de lograrlo.
A nation of citizens, such as Russian manifestly is not, is being born.
Está naciendo una nación de ciudadanos, como manifiestamente no lo es Rusia.
manifiesto{m} [pol.]
The manifest does not tally in the slightest with the cargo.
El manifiesto no se corresponde para nada con el contenido de la Carta.
the countless traditions and actions by which the faithful express and manifest
manifiesta su fe, son otros tantos signos a través de los que se hace
regions, where the faithful manifest through their Marian devotion their
donde el pueblo fiel manifiesta, a través del culto mariano, su
If these become manifest, then EMU has a problem.
Si esto se hiciese manifiesto la UM tendría un problema.
What has been said today is a manifest distortion of the truth.
Lo que se ha dicho hoy es una distorsión manifiesta de la verdad.
That is a manifest offence against their personal integrity and against the dignity of every human being.
Esto es un delito manifiesto contra su integridad personal y contra la dignidad de todo ser humano.
Behold, how they devise lies against Allah, and that is manifest sin enough.
Mira cómo atribuyen sus falsas invenciones a Dios --no hay delito más evidente que este.
If we look around us, we cannot ignore the poverty that is there and injustices that are manifest.
Si miramos a nuestro alrededor, no podemos ignorar la pobreza que hay y las injusticias evidentes.
We currently have an immigration policy that is based on manifest hypocrisy and cynicism.
Una política de inmigración que se basa sobre una hipocresía y un cinismo evidentes.

Synonyms (English) for "manifestly":
Context examples for "manifestly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is manifestly clear that the Kremlin has now once again reined in the media.
Está claro que el Kremlin ha vuelto a tomar el control sobre los medios de comunicación.
But those made to suffer most by the Khartoum Government are manifestly the children of Sudan.
Pero las principales víctimas del gobierno en Jartum son los niños de Sudán.
The American social model is manifestly not to be recommended.
Europa se ha fijado el objetivo de dedicar el 3 % de su PIB a la investigación.
Some parts of this document are dubious, unclear and manifestly open to possible abuse.
Algunas partes de este documento son dudosas, ambiguas y claramente abiertas a posibles abusos.
It is therefore necessary to look at the previous situation, which was manifestly discriminatory.
Hay que contemplar por ello la situación anterior, que era claramente discriminatoria.
Your speech, Mr President, was manifestly in this spirit.
Este espíritu, señor Presidente, se ha reflejado claramente en su intervención.
The American social model is manifestly not to be recommended.
Está claro que el modelo social norteamericano no es recomendable.
These restrictions are all manifestly important aspects of this treaty.
La votación tendrá lugar el jueves 26 de mayo.
Transparency is the area in which Mrs Maij-Weggen manifestly excels, and I wish to congratulate her on her work.
La apertura es la asignatura especial de Maij Weggen y quisiera felicitarla por su excelente trabajo.
We will not believe in you until we see Allah manifestly," and the thunderbolt caught you while you yet looked on.
--entonces os fulminó el rayo del castigo mientras mirabais.
Manifestly, then, the second arm of the budgetary authority - the Council - has been seriously deficient here.
Por lo que se ve el segundo exponente de la autoridad presupuestaria (el Consejo) ha faltado gravemente a su deber.
All of us have a duty to ensure that our citizens continue to believe in Europe as manifestly a good thing.
Este Parlamento es el círculo más amplio.
That being said, a number of agencies manifestly continue to be effective, on the model of the European Medicines Agency.
Dicho esto, algunas agencias siguen a todas luces siendo eficaces, como la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos.
This is, quite manifestly, the suicide of Europe.
A todas luces, es el suicidio de Europa.
We all know that is manifestly untrue.
Todos sabemos que esto es a todas luces erróneo.
I also wish to comment on Amendment 22 concerning passengers who are potentially disruptive or whose behaviour is manifestly abnormal.
Es importante dejar claro que no estamos refiriéndonos a gente con discapacidades físicas o mentales.
OLAF should at least have the means, the manpower and the responsibility to put a stop to the manifestly criminal aspects of this situation.
Al menos OLAF tendrá los medios, el personal y la responsabilidad de poner freno a la gravedad de esta situación.
Does the Council not agree that it is manifestly unfair to link nationalism with racism and xenophobia in such an indiscriminate manner?
¿No cree el Consejo que resulta claramente injusto relacionar indiscriminadamente el nacionalismo con el racismo y la xenofobia?
That would be a good excuse for the new Russian Government which comprises elements of a past with which it has manifestly not yet come to terms.
Podría ser una justificación para el nuevo Gobierno ruso, que contiene elementos de un pasado por lo visto sin superar.
It should adopt the same legal stance on defending freedom of expression when there has manifestly been, as in my case.
Sería necesario que adoptase la misma jurisprudencia en materia de defensa de la libertad de expresión cuando el es manifiesto, como sucedió en mi caso.