
"mal humor" in English

"mal humor" in English

Similar translations for "mal humor" in English
Context examples for "mal humor" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No se trata en este momento de un problema de mal humor expresado por la Liga Árabe.
This is not a matter of Arab League bad temper.
tiende a estar de mal humor por la mañana
she's inclined to be irritable in the morning
el calor lo ponía de muy mal humor
the hot weather made him very ill-tempered
Estoy, por ello, de muy mal humor con las decisiones del Consejo Europeo de Berlín, en las que Europa es el gran perdedor.
This is why I am rather disgruntled about the decisions reached by the European Council of Berlin, with Europe as the big loser.
estaba de muy mal humor
I was feeling particularly bad-tempered
ya la has puesto de mal humor
now you've put her in a bad mood
estaba de mal humor
she was in a bad mood
está de mal humor
she's in a bad mood
ponerse de mal humor
to get ratty
está de mal humor
she's in a mood
de mal humor
in a bad humor
La abstención constructiva está fragilizada por el derecho de veto, aunque fuera por el mal humor, de uno de los quince Estados, ¡y sólo hablo de quince Estados!
Constructive abstention is made fragile by the right of veto, possible even bad tempered veto, of one of the Member States. And that is with only fifteen Member States!