
"just because" in Spanish

"just because" in Spanish
just because{conjunction}
porque no{conj.}
Are cats and dogs not worth protecting just because we do not eat them?
¿No merecen protección los gatos y los perros, solo porque no nos los comemos?
Just because I did not list all the crimes that were perpetrated there.
Y sólo porque no he expuesto todos los desmanes que allí se cometen.
We have no grounds for destroying countries just because we do not like dictators.
No tenemos argumentos para destruir países sólo porque no nos agraden los dictadores.

Similar translations for "just because" in Spanish
Context examples for "just because" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I see it as just a step, because unfortunately, we have not gone far enough.
La considero solo un paso porque, lamentablemente, no hemos llegado muy lejos.
just because a lot of people buy it doesn't mean that it's a good newspaper
el hecho de que mucha gente lo compre no quiere decir que sea un buen periódico
We have no grounds for destroying countries just because we do not like dictators.
No tenemos argumentos para destruir países sólo porque no nos agraden los dictadores.
We should not shy away from it just because it is Christians who are persecuted ...
No debemos rehuir este problema simplemente porque los perseguidos son cristianos...
I should like to focus on just a few points, because many things have already been said.
Quiero centrarme en unas pocas cuestiones, porque ya se han dicho muchas cosas.
I hope he did not say so just because his government is particularly weak.
Espero que no lo haya dicho simplemente porque su Gobierno es particularmente débil.
Are cats and dogs not worth protecting just because we do not eat them?
¿No merecen protección los gatos y los perros, solo porque no nos los comemos?
Mr President, just three points, because a great deal has already been said.
Señor Presidente, sólo tres puntos, porque ya se han dicho muchas cosas.
We must not shirk this, just because we are talking about the largest country on Earth.
No debemos hacer una excepción solamente porque hablamos del mayor país de la Tierra.
Just because you use your PC for work doesn't mean you have to sacrifice play.
Solamente porque usa su equipo para trabajar no significa que deba sacrificar la diversión.
Just because you have not requested it yourself does not mean that others have not done so.
El hecho que usted no lo haya solicitado no significa que otros no lo hayan hecho.
Akin Birdal was free at just that particular time because of what was termed 'ill health' .
Justamente en ese momento Akin Birdal estaba en libertad por su "mala salud" .
The citizens of Ukraine should not suffer just because their politicians have failed.
Los ciudadanos de Ucrania no deben sufrir las consecuencias del fracaso de sus políticos.
We cannot remain silent on this issue, just because it violates EU political correctness.
No podemos callar ante esta cuestión, porque vulnera la corrección política de la UE.
However, just because something is said a thousand times does not mean that it is justified.
Sin embargo, sólo porque algo se repita mil veces no significa que esté justificado.
This is not just because of low wages nor just because of lack of social protection.
La causa no son los bajos salarios ni la falta de protección social.
You are insinuating this just because I am a member of the Greens.
Es el colmo que realice tales acusaciones solamente porque pertenezco a los Verdes.
No-one can place him or herself outside its ambit just because of who they are or what they do.
Nadie puede puede eximirse de sus efectos por razón de quienes sean o lo que hagan.
Regions that are currently poor will not become richer just because some new arrivals are poorer.
No serán más ricas las regiones más pobres actuales porque haya otras más pobres.
I hope that this is just because of tactical games on the part of the Socialist Group.
Yo espero que haya sido únicamente un reflejo de las maniobras tácticas del Grupo socialista.