
"indiferentemente" in English

indiferente{adjective masculine/feminine}
El Comisario de Comercio a menudo se muestra indiferente hacia otras políticas europeas.
The Commissioner for Trade is often indifferent towards other European policies.
No obstante, el gobierno parece muy indiferente ante estos acontecimientos.
Yet it still appears indifferent to such occurrences.
Esta situación no puede dejar indiferente a la Unión Europea.
The European Union cannot remain indifferent to this situation.
detached{adj.} (aloof)
Pero han recibido presiones de otra índole y su actitud ha sido desinteresada o casi indiferente a la hora de intentar buscar soluciones.
But other pressures came to bear upon them, and they have taken a disinterested or semi-detached attitude with regard to trying to find solutions.
flippant{adj.} (attitude)
incurious{adj.} [poet.]
nonchalant{adj.} (indifferent)
uncaring{adj.} (society, attitude)
no queremos dar la impresión de que nos es indiferente
we do not wish to come across as uncaring
el resultado les era indiferente
they were unconcerned about the outcome
Resulta necesario aumentar la transparencia del sistema por el que se paga a los diputados: esta cuestión no es indiferente a los ciudadanos.
The transparency of the system through which Members are paid must be increased: citizens are far from unconcerned about this issue.
Señora Presidenta, a pesar de la neutralidad militar de Irlanda, Irlanda no es neutral ni, de hecho, indiferente frente a la crisis que ha estallado en Georgia.
Madam President, despite Ireland's military neutrality, Ireland is not neutral, or indeed unconcerned, about the crisis that has erupted in Georgia.
unemotional{adj.} (feeling no emotion)
uninterested{adj.} (audience, person)
la política no le es indiferente
he's not uninterested in politics
unresponsive{adj.} (unmoved)
Crea percepciones negativas en las mentes de los ciudadanos europeos, que ven el Parlamento Europeo como falto de dinamismo e indiferente
It creates negative perceptions in the minds of European citizens, in that the European Parliament is seen as undynamic and unresponsive.
unsympathetic{adj.} (showing no sympathy)
No es que seamos indiferentes al hecho de que algunas familias extranjeras tengan que vivir separadas.
We are not unsympathetic to the fact that some foreign families have to live apart.
Lamentablemente, el Consejo se ha mostrado indiferente hasta ahora ante nuestra demanda de llegar a mejores acuerdos en materia de requisitos de seguridad con terceros países.
So far, the Council has appeared unsympathetic to our requests to strike better deals on security as well as security measures with third countries too.