
"impropriety" in Spanish

We are surely justified in wanting to hear details of these improprieties.
Está sin duda justificado que queramos oír detalles de estas incorrecciones.
Secondly, it is very important to ascertain if we are dealing with mistakes, if we are dealing with improprieties, or if we are dealing with crimes.
En segundo lugar, es muy importante establecer si estamos tratando con errores, si estamos tratando con incorrecciones, o si estamos tratando con delitos.
We are surely justified in wanting to hear details of these improprieties.
Está sin duda justificado que queramos oír detalles de estas incorrecciones.
Secondly, it is very important to ascertain if we are dealing with mistakes, if we are dealing with improprieties, or if we are dealing with crimes.
En segundo lugar, es muy importante establecer si estamos tratando con errores, si estamos tratando con incorrecciones, o si estamos tratando con delitos.
In that light, is it at all possible to keep the door firmly shut to Kiev while preserving any sense of propriety?
Teniendo esto en cuenta, ¿es posible cerrar firmemente la puerta a Kiev manteniendo el sentido del decoro?

Synonyms (English) for "impropriety":
Context examples for "impropriety" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he committed a gross impropriety
cometió una grave falta
Neither the military establishment that always directs political life in Turkey nor the Islamic party entertain any sympathy for this sort of impropriety.
Ni los militares, que siempre dirigen la vida política de Turquía, ni el partido islamista suscitan simpatía por esta indecencia.
It is obviously vital that the code of ethical behaviour should lay down sanctions in the case of impropriety and make financial disclosure mandatory.
Obviamente, es esencial que el código de comportamiento ético establezca sanciones en caso de conducta incorrecta, y que la declaración de financiación sea obligatoria.
In addition, I welcome Mr Piebalgs to the energy brief as a promising and able candidate untainted by the spectre of alleged impropriety, unlike his country's original nominee.
Además, doy la bienvenida al señor Piebalgs como un candidato prometedor y capaz no corrompido por el fantasma de la supuesta deshonestidad, a diferencia del candidato original de su país.