
"government minister" in Spanish

"government minister" in Spanish
As a Danish government minister I signed the Ottowa Treaty on behalf of my country.
En mi calidad de Ministro del Gobierno danés firmé el Tratado de Ottawa por parte de mi país.
They wear uniforms and enjoy the support of a former government minister.
Llevan uniformes y gozan del apoyo de un antiguo ministro del gobierno.
The Finnish government minister made reference to the Öçalan case which was most encouraging.
Al ministro del gobierno finlandés le hemos escuchado una mención del asunto Öcalan, y ha sido un detalle positivo.

Synonyms (English) for "government minister":
Context examples for "government minister" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The reforms of Prime Minister Erdogan's government are real and must be welcomed.
Soy totalmente optimista respecto a que la mayor parte se resolverá.
Mr Bennett pushed a government minister because he was making racial remarks about Mr Bennett and his family.
Resulta interesante constatar que, sobre el terreno, la situación no parece desesperada.
The French government, through the former Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Louis Le Pensec, has begun this change.
El Gobierno francés, con Louis Le Pensec, ha iniciado este cambio.
You know, President Barroso, that in the matter of justice the conduct of the Italian Government, of which Minister Frattini is still part, has provoked a joint strike of magistrates and lawyers.
El arzobispo ha señalado que ninguno de los padres fundadores de la Europa que se unifica tendría la menor posibilidad de ser elegido Comisario en la Unión Europea actual.