
"futuro cercano" in English

"futuro cercano" in English
¿Creen que es probable que se les ponga en libertad en un futuro cercano?
Do you think it is likely that they will be released in the near future?
Considero que se trata de un récord imbatible en el futuro cercano.
I believe that this is a record which will not be matched in the near future.
Estamos hablando de la dirección y de la ejecución para el futuro cercano.
We are talking about the direction, and also about implementation in the near future.

Context examples for "futuro cercano" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Eso se hará en el futuro cercano mediante una nueva ley que se ha prometido entretanto.
This will happen in the near future thanks to a new act which has now been promised.
Estamos hablando de la dirección y de la ejecución para el futuro cercano.
We are talking about the direction, and also about implementation in the near future.
¿Creen que es probable que se les ponga en libertad en un futuro cercano?
Do you think it is likely that they will be released in the near future?
He votado a favor, porque Croacia debe pasar a ser Estado miembro en el futuro cercano.
I voted in favour of it, because Croatia should become a Member State in the near future.
Considero que se trata de un récord imbatible en el futuro cercano.
I believe that this is a record which will not be matched in the near future.
Ésa es una cuestión que amenaza con paralizar todo el asunto en un futuro cercano.
This is something which looks set to bring everything grinding to a halt in the very near future.
Esto significa que, en un futuro muy cercano, no se oirán las voces de todos los Estados miembros.
That means that, in the extremely near future, not all Member States' voices will be heard.
Ya se habla de mayores impuestos en el futuro cercano para mantener las finanzas públicas a flote.
There is already talk of increased taxes in the near future to keep public finances afloat.
Son factores clave para la competitividad europea y también para el empleo en un futuro cercano.
They are key factors for European competitiveness and also for employment in the near future.
Esto significa que, en un futuro muy cercano, no se oirán las voces de todos los Estados miembros.
That means that, in the extremely near future, not all Member States ' voices will be heard.
¿Podría ofrecernos una análisis de ese aspecto, ahora o en un futuro cercano, o en su Plan de acción?
Could you give us an analysis of that, now, or in the near future, or in your action plan?
Espero que esto no sea posible en un futuro cercano ni lejano.
I expect this will not be possible in the near or distant future.
No creo que ello sea posible en un futuro cercano o lejano.
I do not expect this to be possible in the near or distant future.
Su adhesión no se producirá en el futuro cercano, pero dichos países aspiran a ella.
Their accession will not be able to take place in the near future, but each of these countries has this prospect.
Debemos invertir hoy para que las energías renovables sean competitivas en un futuro cercano.
We need to invest today in order that renewable energy sources may become competitive in the near future.
¿Cree usted que dicho país va a convertirse en miembro en un futuro cercano, tal vez incluso este año?
Do you think that Estonia will become a member in the foreseeable future, perhaps even this year?
Los límites de seguridad se han superado en gran medida y no sabemos lo que ocurrirá en un futuro cercano.
Safety limits have been greatly exceeded and we do not know what will happen in the near future.
¿O sigue estando sobre la mesa para ser debatida y puede replantearse en el debate en un futuro cercano?
Or is it still on the table for discussion and can it arise again for discussion in the near future?
En la práctica, estos partidos europeos carecen de un apoyo y una base populares que no lograrán en un futuro cercano.
In practice, EU parties will for the foreseeable future lack any democratic legitimacy.
En el futuro cercano, esta innovación se ampliará también a los pasaportes de los ciudadanos comunitarios.
In the near future, this innovation will be extended to the passports of Community citizens as well.