
"family history" in Spanish

"family history" in English

Context examples for "family history" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he told me his whole family history
me contó toda la historia de su familia
A 'personalised risk communication element' is based on the individual's own risk factors for a condition (such as age or family history).
Dicho elemento se puede estimar a partir de los factores de riesgo de un individuo con fórmulas derivadas de datos epidemiológicos.
Then, when the Bolivian high plateau suffered one of the most serious droughts in its history, his family emigrated to new pastures, to Cochabamba.
Después, cuando el altiplano boliviano sufrió una de las mayores sequías de su historia, su familia emigró a nuevas tierras, hacia Cochabamba.
Interestingly, Dmitry comes by acrobatics naturally through his family’s history of some 150 years of experience in sports acrobatics.
Dmitry es heredero de una larga tradición familiar de acróbatas ya que la experiencia total de su familia en el campo de las artes acrobáticas es de unos 150 años.
The role that God calls the family to perform in history derives from what the family is; its role represents the dynamic and existential development of what it is.
El cometido, que ella por vocación de Dios está llamada a desempeñar en la historia, brota de su mismo ser y representa su desarrollo dinámico y existencial.