
"distantly" in Spanish

lejano{adj. m}
The objective may seem to be a distant one, but it is one worth pursuing.
El objetivo puede parecer lejano, pero merece ser alcanzado.
Mr President, in the dim and distant past - 1963 - I met Mr Turchi's father.
Señor Presidente, en el ya lejano 1963 conocí personalmente al padre del Sr.
Let us hope that action will be forthcoming in the not too distant future.
Esperamos que la Comisión pueda hacerlo en un futuro no muy lejano.
distante{adj. m/f}
A new Treaty is just as distant a prospect today as it was eight months ago.
Un nuevo Tratado sigue siendo una perspectiva tan distante como hace ocho meses.
For them, the Union is distant and unknown, even though they feel that they need it.
Para ellos, la Unión es distante y desconocida, aunque creen que la necesitan.
Membership is a distant goal, and it is not on our immediate agenda.
La adhesión es un objetivo distante y no se encuentra en nuestros planes inmediatos.
distanciado{adj.} (fecha, hecho)
errante{adj.} (mirada)
luengo{adj.} [arch.] (tierra)
The events we are talking about did not take place in some dark, distant past.
Estos hechos no tuvieron lugar en un pasado remoto y oscuro.
We should not view this as a distant crime.
No deberíamos contemplar este tipo de actos como delitos remotos.
Violence takes place in a world without borders and is not something from distant, barbaric times.
La violencia pertenece a este mundo sin fronteras, y no a épocas bárbaras y remotas.
he was cold and distant towards me
estuvo frío y distante conmigo
We will also be happy to receive you as guests in our somewhat cold and distant country, a country which, however, will be full of warmth and fellowship on such occasions.
Quisiéramos tenerles como huéspedes en nuestro lejano y frío país, que, sin embargo, en estos casos, se caracteriza por la calidez y la fraternidad; se los aseguro.

Synonyms (English) for "distant":
Context examples for "distantly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It distantly reminds me of a four-headed dragon.
Me recuerda vagamente a un dragón de cuatro cabezas.
The Hungarian language is unlike any of the country’s neighbouring languages and is only distantly related to Finnish and Estonian.
La lengua húngara es muy diferente de las de sus vecinos, y está lejanamente emparentada con el finés y el estonio.
John and I are distantly related
John y yo somos parientes lejanos
they are distantly related
hay un lejano parentesco entre ellos
we are distantly related
somos parientes lejanos