
"disdainfully" in Spanish

In showing their disdain for moral contingencies, the central banks have become the speculators' flame-quellers.
Mostrando su desdén por las contingencias morales, los bancos centrales se han convertido en los salvadores de los especuladores.
The importance of viable coastal fishing communities seems to have been totally ignored or treated with disdain.
Parece haberse pasado por alto totalmente -o haberse tratado con desdén- la importancia de que existen comunidades pesqueras ribereñas viables.
Mr President, Spain treated the referendum on the European Constitution with disdain, with the lowest turnout in our history.
– Señor Presidente, España ha contemplado con desdén, con la mayor abstención de nuestra historia, el referéndum sobre la Constitución Europea.
This dossier has been approached with an intolerable disdain for the citizens.
Este expediente se ha enfocado con un intolerable desprecio hacia los ciudadanos.
Such disdain for a Member State strikes me as scarcely tolerable.
Semejante desprecio por un Estado miembro me parece difícilmente tolerable.
They do not accept education systems which send them to the market of unemployment and social disdain.
No aceptan sistemas educativos que los envían al mercado del desempleo y del desprecio social.
It is chiefly because this report seems to regard the EU Reform Treaty, with its disdain for democracy, as the cure for terrorism that I have voted against it today.
Hoy he votado en contra sobre todo porque este informe parece ver en el Tratado de Reforma, con su menosprecio por la democracia, el remedio del terrorismo.
altanería{f} (arrogancia)
displicencia{f} (frialdad)
They work in order to pay the bills, not because they have a disdain for motherhood.
Trabajan para pagar las facturas, no porque desdeñen la maternidad.
Statements like this show disdain for the consumer and disregard the principle of supply and demand.
Tal afirmación desprecia al consumidor y desdeña la oferta y la demanda.
The Court has seized power and has handed it over to the Commission with total disdain for the countries, national constitutions, parliaments and sound application of laws.
El Tribunal ha asumido el poder y se lo ha transmitido a la Comisión, desdeñando a los pueblos, las constituciones nacionales, los parlamentos y la buena aplicación del Derecho.
It is chiefly because this report seems to regard the EU Reform Treaty, with its disdain for democracy, as the cure for terrorism that I have voted against it today.
Hoy he votado en contra sobre todo porque este informe parece ver en el Tratado de Reforma, con su menosprecio por la democracia, el remedio del terrorismo.

Synonyms (English) for "disdainfully":