
"contemptuously" in Spanish

she tossed the letter aside contemptuously
apartó la carta bruscamente y con desprecio
he snorted contemptuously
—bufó con desprecio
A member of my own party very recently spoke of it contemptuously as old, unpalatable rubbish, but it really is nothing of the kind.
Un miembro de mi propio partido se refirió a ella hace muy poco con desprecio calificándola de obsoleta, de basura difícil de aceptar, pero en realidad no es nada de todo esto.
What is unacceptable is seeing those that have acted improperly making contemptuous and crude remarks about those who have honoured the commitments they have given.
Es inaceptable que quienes han actuado de un modo indebido hagan comentarios despectivos y de mal gusto sobre los que han respetado los compromisos suscritos.
(DE) Mr President, eleven years ago, I was one of the handful of Members who cofounded the cross-party Tobin Tax working group and our meetings were often met with a contemptuous smile.
(DE) Señor Presidente, hace once años, yo fui uno de los diputados que cofundó el grupo de trabajo de la Tasa Tobin y a menudo asistíamos a nuestras reuniones con una sonrisa despectiva.
This report, which is contemptuous towards the Turkish people, is very bad for Europe as a whole.
Este informe, que es desdeñoso con el pueblo turco, hace un flaco servicio a Europa en su conjunto.
That is typical of the arrogance and contemptuous attitude of the Commission toward Parliament and the citizens, whose tax revenues this is ultimately about.
Es típico de la arrogancia y la actitud desdeñosa de la Comisión hacia el Parlamento y los ciudadanos, cuyos ingresos tributarios son los que están en juego.

Synonyms (English) for "contemptuously":
Context examples for "contemptuously" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he snorted contemptuously
—¡tú que vas a entender! —bufó con desprecio
When President Borrell, however, contemptuously suggested that Mr Buttiglione should take care of agriculture, what was he trying to say?
¿Que, como los cerdos rara vez son homosexuales, el señor Buttiglione no se sentiría molesto?
she tossed the letter aside contemptuously
apartó la carta bruscamente y con desprecio
When President Borrell, however, contemptuously suggested that Mr Buttiglione should take care of agriculture, what was he trying to say?
Pero ¿qué quiso decir el Presidente Borrell cuando propuso de forma despreciativa que el señor Buttiglione se ocupara de la agricultura?
A member of my own party very recently spoke of it contemptuously as old, unpalatable rubbish, but it really is nothing of the kind.
Un miembro de mi propio partido se refirió a ella hace muy poco con desprecio calificándola de obsoleta, de basura difícil de aceptar, pero en realidad no es nada de todo esto.