
"departure procedure" in Spanish

"departure procedure" in English

Context examples for "departure procedure" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This marks a slight departure from the usual procedure, but since the question is interesting and if the Commissioner would like to give an answer, I shall give him the floor.
Saliéndonos un poco del procedimiento pero, dado que la pregunta es interesante, si el señor Comisario tiene a bien responder, le concedo la palabra.
Mr President, I am fascinated by people negotiating their speaking time across the floor of the House, a very interesting departure from our customary procedure.
Señor Presidente, me fascina ver a diputados negociando su tiempo de uso de la palabra de un lado a otro del hemiciclo, desviación muy interesante respecto de nuestro procedimiento habitual.
That would be a dangerous departure from the codecision procedure laid down at Maastricht, and I would ask for some assurances and clarification from Commissioner Kinnock in this respect.
Se trataría de un peligroso precedente respecto al procedimiento de codecisión adoptado en Maastricht y, por ello, pido garantías y aclaraciones al Comisario Kinnock.
This is an extremely important issue and I must register a protest at your departure from the procedure which you yourself described at the beginning of the session.
Se trata de una cuestión extraordinariamente importante y debo hacer constar mi protesta por que se apartara usted del procedimiento que usted misma describió al comienzo del período de sesiones.