
"Defence Secretary" in Spanish

"Defence Secretary" in English
Secretario de Defensa{m} (en México)
Robert Gates, Defence secretary, has attempted to explain US resistance: cluster munitions are an effective weapon against many different objectives.
Robert Gates, Secretario de Defensa, ha intentado explicar la resistencia de los Estados Unidos: las municiones en racimo son un arma efectiva contra muchos objetivos diferentes.

Context examples for "Defence Secretary" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Then there is Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence, the President of a laboratory that Monsanto bought in 1985.
Tenemos a Ronald Rumsfeld, ministro de Defensa, presidente de un laboratorio que Monsanto adquirió en 1985.
As US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld has stated, no confirmation is needed for this sort of military operation.
Como ha declarado Donald Rumsfeld, Secretario de Defensa estadounidense, no se precisa confirmación para este tipo de operación militar.
Last week, and quite openly, Mr Rumsfeld, the Secretary for Defence, ordered that the armed forces in the Gulf region be equipped with CS gas.
La semana pasada, y sin tapujos, el Sr. Rumsfeld, Secretario de Defensa de los Estados Unidos, ordenó que las fuerzas desplegadas en la región del Golfo Pérsico se equiparan con gas CS.
Robert Gates, Defence secretary, has attempted to explain US resistance: cluster munitions are an effective weapon against many different objectives.
Robert Gates, Secretario de Defensa, ha intentado explicar la resistencia de los Estados Unidos: las municiones en racimo son un arma efectiva contra muchos objetivos diferentes.
For Mr Rumsfeld, the American Secretary for Defence, to describe it - as he did yesterday - as a humanitarian act, is something I can regard only as cynicism of a fairly barbarous kind.
El Sr. Rumsfeld, Secretario de Defensa de los Estados Unidos, la ha descrito -lo hizo ayer- como un acto humanitario, una declaración que me parece de un cinismo inhumano.