
"deceived" in Spanish

"deceived" in Spanish
to deceive{transitive verb}
engañado{adj. m}
The worst thing is that she has deceived her own people in Turkey.
Lo más grave es que también ha engañado a su propio pueblo en Turquía.
We have seen before how people have been deceived - deceived over referendums and deceived over democracy.
Ya antes hemos visto cómo se ha engañado a la ciudadanía, engañada sobre los referendos y sobre la democracia.
I ask the question: is Mr Sarkozy deceiving his public on these issues, or is he himself being deceived?
Pregunto: ¿engaña el señor Sarkozy a su público en estos temas o es él el engañado?
cornudo{adj.} [coll.] (marido)
cornudo{adj.} [coll.] (mujer)
mistificar {v.t.} (engañar, embaucar)
The manner in which some in the West seek to betray Hezbollah does not deceive us’.
La manera en que algunas personas de Occidente buscan traicionar a Hezbolá no nos engaña.»
The people have been deceived on the accession of Turkey and duped on the VAT affair, their rejection of a super-State has been scorned, and now they have been betrayed on the Bolkestein directive.
Los ciudadanos han sido engañados sobre la adhesión turca y timados en el asunto del IVA, su rechazo del superestado ha sido desdeñado y ahora han sido traicionados con la Directiva Bolkestein.
to deceive[deceived · deceived] {transitive verb}
Labelling is an area where it is easy to deceive the consumer.
El etiquetado es un ámbito en el que es sencillo engañar al consumidor.
It will now no longer be possible, however, to deceive farmers when they feed their animals.
Sin embargo, ahora ya no será posible engañar a los ganaderos cuando alimenten a sus animales.
They would deceive Allah and those who do believe; but they deceive only themselves and they do not perceive.
Pretenden engañar a Dios y a aquellos que han llegado a creer --pero sólo se engañan a sí mismos, y no se dan cuenta.

Context examples for "deceived" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No consumer will be deceived into buying these products unwittingly, because they will be labelled.
No está obligado a comprarlo y cuenta con una indicación en el etiquetado.
If this law is not amended, I will feel deceived by the President-in-Office of the Council.
Si esta ley no se modifica, me sentiré decepcionado por la Presidenta en ejercicio del Consejo.
If you feel that you were deceived by an SEO in some way, you may want to report it.
Si crees que has sido víctima de las prácticas fraudulentas de un SEO, te recomendamos que informes de ello.
That is because you took the Signs of Allah for a jest and the life of this world deceived you.
eso, porque os burlasteis de los mensajes de Dios y os dejasteis cautivar por la vida de este mundo!
I would make it clear that we should not be deceived by what is apparently a very technical text.
Desearía manifestar que la naturaleza aparentemente técnica del texto no debe en absoluto engañarnos.
We should not allow ourselves to be deceived by all this, however.
De todos modos, no debemos engañarnos con esto.
They will feel deceived and think that the Europeans are cynics as well as the Americans.
Tendrán la impresión de que se les toma el pelo y pensarán que también los europeos, y no sólo los estadounidenses, son unos cínicos.
Nor should the British allow themselves to be deceived.
Tampoco los británicos deberían engañarse.
But at the same time, let us not be deceived.
Pero, al mismo tiempo, no debemos engañarnos.
Let it not be said, however, that we or the electors have been deceived: this is just the beginning.
Aquí se plantean dos problemas que me gustaría mencionar: uno es que la directiva no aborda las responsabilidades en el ámbito nuclear.
she was deceived into handing over the money
la engañaron para que entregara el dinero
they deceived him into believing that she was dead
le hicieron creer que estaba muerta
He (their father when had heard this) said, "Nay, your souls have beguiled (tempted, diverted, deceived) you to something (that serves you).
Pero se alejó de ellos y dijo: “¡Qué hondo es mi pesar por José!
Prosecutions must be brought because the truth must come out if people are not to be deceived again.
Hay que acudir a los tribunales y pleitear porque la verdad debe salir a la luz para que la población quede vacunada contra nuevos engaños.
However, any measures taken will be useless if consumers believe that they are being deceived by the Community authorities.
Pero todas las medidas serán inútiles si los consumidores se consideran estafados por la administración comunitaria.
I thought he loved me, but I was deceived
creía que me quería pero estaba engañada
my conclusion is that he deceived me
lo que saco en conclusión es que me engañó
the evil man who had deceived her
el malvado que la había engañado
he was deceived by her story
se dejó engañar por lo que le contó
I have been deceived in you, Paul
me has defraudado, Paul