
"curada" in English

"curada" in English
curado{adjective masculine}
piss artist{noun} [Brit.] [vulg.] (drunkard)
piss artist{noun} [Brit.] [vulg.] (drunkard)
curado{adjective masculine}
curado(also: sanado)
Las heridas infligidas a nuestra Historia no han curado aún.
The wounds that were inflicted on our history have not healed to this day.
Primero: la historia del siglo XX ha dejado en Asia unas profundas heridas que hasta hoy no se han curado.
Firstly, the history of the 20th Century has left deep wounds in Asia which have not yet healed.
Una Europa que ha curado sus propias divisiones puede abogar por sus valores con auténtica credibilidad en la escena mundial.
A Europe that has healed its own divisions can advocate its values with genuine credibility on the global stage.
hammered{adj.} [Amer.] [slg.]
curado(also: seco)
seasoned{adj.} (wood)
weathered{adj.} (wood)
mature{adj.} [gastro.] (cheese)
plastered{adj.} [coll.]
sloshed{adj.} [coll.]

Context examples for "curada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Este año verá este sueño –una Europa entera y curada– acercarse más a la realidad.
This year will see that dream – a Europe whole and healed – brought closer to reality.
Este año verá este sueño – una Europa entera y curada– acercarse más a la realidad.
This year will see that dream – a Europe whole and healed – brought closer to reality.
a mí no me parece tan malo, será que ya estoy curada de espanto
it doesn't seem so bad to me, I've seen plenty worse
cecina curada de caballo
dry-salted horse meat
Europa está reunificada, la palabra «solidaridad» ha cobrado un significado completamente nuevo, Europa ha sido curada.
The inequalities of the past have now been eliminated, Europe is reunited, the word 'solidarity' has taken on a totally new meaning, Europe has been healed.