
"criminal negligence" in Spanish

"criminal negligence" in Spanish
But it is also verging on criminal negligence.
Pero también está al límite de considerarse negligencia criminal.

Synonyms (English) for "criminal negligence":
Context examples for "criminal negligence" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
But it is also verging on criminal negligence.
Pero también está al límite de considerarse negligencia criminal.
So far, I do not think there is any evidence of negligence or criminal activity, but I would characterise their behaviour so far as benign complacency.
Hasta el momento, no creo que haya pruebas de negligencia o de actividad delictiva, sino que calificaría su comportamiento hasta la fecha como de complacencia benigna.
We need to ensure that such criminal negligence can never reoccur and we need those responsible to be held accountable for the full weight of their actions.
Tenemos que asegurarnos de que no vuelva a producirse una negligencia penal de esta clase y debemos pedir cuentas a los responsables por todo el peso de sus acciones.
The phenomenon clearly involves criminal acts and negligence by the authorities, because an additional statistic is that 50 % of the causes of these fires remain unknown.
Aquí hay fenómenos de criminalidad clara, y una negligencia por parte de las autoridades, porque el otro dato complementario es que el 50 % de las causas de esos incendios siguen sin saberse.
In any case I do not believe that even the former Commission was guilty of criminal negligence, even though it did fail to recognise the potential danger and failed to take appropriate action.
De todos modos, tampoco creo que la anterior Comisión haya cometido una falta grave, aunque no se diera cuenta del peligro potencial y no adoptara las medidas necesarias.
The BSE crisis was caused firstly by the criminal negligence of the British Government, which only acknowledges the existence of Europe when it wishes to promote its own interests.
La crisis de las vacas locas, es en primer lugar, la irresponsabilidad criminal del Reino Unido, para el que Europa no existe, salvo cuando se trata de servir a sus propios intereses.