
"imprudencia temeraria" in English

"imprudencia temeraria" in English

Similar translations for "imprudencia temeraria" in English
Context examples for "imprudencia temeraria" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Las enmiendas 10 y 20 sobre imprudencia temeraria y negligencia grave van por este camino.
The key Amendments 10 and 20, on gross negligence and inexcusable conduct, are along these lines.
fue acusado de conducir con imprudencia temeraria
he was charged with reckless driving
Por tanto, se sugiere que la interpretación de la imprudencia temeraria se amplíe a fin de tener en cuenta el concepto de falta profesional.
It is therefore suggested that the interpretation of wilful misconduct be broadened to take into account the concept of professional conduct.
En mi opinión, es bueno que tengamos un concepto más amplio que el de imprudencia temeraria, lo que permitirá responsabilizar a alguien por las infracciones que haya cometido.
In my view, it is good that we have a broader concept of wilful misconduct which will make it possible to hold someone liable for breaches that have been committed.
El Consejo, que está intentando, a petición del señor Savary, interpretar el concepto de "imprudencia temeraria", cometería una imprudencia temeraria si partiera de esta idea equivocada.
The Council, which is trying at Mr Savary's request to interpret the concept of 'gross negligence', would therefore be very grossly negligent itself if it were labouring under this misconception.