
"covered market" in Spanish

"covered market" in Spanish
recova{f} [arch.] (mercado)

Context examples for "covered market" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Countries that have benefitted from continuous devaluations can command very high prices for products covered by market organization.
Los países que se han beneficiado de las devaluaciones permanentes, alcanzan buenos precios en productos de reglamentos de mercado.
The total value of the contracts covered by the market liberalization measures that were agreed is put at some ECU 350 billion per year.
Se calcula que la liberalización de comercio acordada afectará a una contratación total del orden de 350.000 millones de ecus anuales.
covered market
mercado cubierto
We have to be careful not to introduce elements which are not covered by the internal market or common commercial policy legal basis.
Tenemos que actuar con cuidado para no introducir elementos que queden fuera del ámbito del mercado interno o de la Política Comercial Común en cuanto bases jurídicas.
There is currently no such stimulation, as much of the EU market is covered by monopolies and is therefore closed to non-original after-market spare parts.
Actualmente no existen esos incentivos, ya que gran parte del mercado de la UE está dominado por monopolios y, por consiguiente, cerrado a los recambios no originales.