
"con benevolencia" in English

"con benevolencia" in English
Los quince Estados miembros han aplaudido, con benevolencia, la propuesta de la Comisión y de la Presidencia de que se les otorgue un año adicional de pagos de los fondos estructurales.
The fifteen EU members benevolently welcomed the proposal by the Commission and the Presidency that they should get one extra year's payment from the Structural Fund.

Similar translations for "con benevolencia" in English
con bríoadjective
con lecheadjective
Context examples for "con benevolencia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
De forma general, la industria extractiva acoge con benevolencia esta propuesta.
Generally speaking, the extractive industries view this proposal favourably.
Creo que debemos observar a Azerbaiyán, así como a sus autoridades, con bastante benevolencia.
I think that we look upon Azerbaijan with a great deal of goodwill, and also on the authorities there.
En Roma el Papa Adriano II, que ha sucedido mientras tanto a Nicolás I, les acoge con mucha benevolencia.
In Rome Pope Hadrian II, who had in the meantime succeeded Nicholas I, received them very cordially.
Cuento con su benevolencia para plantear lo siguiente:
I am sure you will be kind enough to let me make a remark.
deben ser juzgados con benevolencia
they should be judged leniently
Langenhagen es una experta en esta materia y que en el pasado ha pedido al Parlamento que la abordara con benevolencia.
I know this is a fact that Mrs Langenhagen is an expert on and has asked Parliament to deal with sympathetically in the past.
permanente cercanía espiritual: una nobilísima misión, para cuyo feliz desarrollo cuenta con mi benevolencia cordial y sincera.
witness to this permanent spiritual closeness: a noble mission, for the successful development of which count on my cordial and sincere good will.
Comisaria contemple las enmiendas con benevolencia.
I also thank all the political groups which will be supporting this report and I hope that the Commissioner will view these amendments positively.
Los quince Estados miembros han aplaudido, con benevolencia, la propuesta de la Comisión y de la Presidencia de que se les otorgue un año adicional de pagos de los fondos estructurales.
The fifteen EU members benevolently welcomed the proposal by the Commission and the Presidency that they should get one extra year's payment from the Structural Fund.
No resulta poco razonable pensar que los países, sumamente conciliadores con algunas redes vinculadas a la gran criminalidad, acogen con benevolencia a estos bandidos de un nuevo género.
It is not unreasonable to think that countries that are very conciliatory towards certain networks involved in serious crime might kindly welcome these new types of criminals.
Hoy viene Vuestra Excelencia a dar testimonio continuado de esa permanente cercanía espiritual: una nobilísima misión, para cuyo feliz desarrollo cuenta con mi benevolencia cordial y sincera.
Today Your Excellency comes to bear continued witness to this permanent spiritual closeness: a noble mission, for the successful development of which count on my cordial and sincere good will.