
"Christian Socialist" in Spanish

"Christian Socialist" in English

Context examples for "Christian Socialist" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Europe was built by means of a Christian Democrat-Socialist consensus.
En aquel momento había un consenso demócratacristiano-socialista que construyó esta Europa.
They are neither Christian Democrat nor Socialist.
No son ni cristiano-demócratas ni socialistas.
And the driving forces behind these ideologies are the Christian Democrat and Socialist governments of most of the States of Europe.
Y sus correas de transmisión son los gobiernos democristianos y socialistas de la mayoría de los Estados de Europa.
In the words of Rathenov, did it bother him as a Christian Socialist negotiator, that, in the event of their becoming pregnant, these Vietnamese women were forced to have abortions?
¿Les incomodaba en tanto negociador democristiano, cito a Rathenov, que se obligara a esas mujeres vietnamitas a abortar en caso de embarazo?
The ruling Socialist and Christian Democrat clique is making sure there is a continuing majority in Parliament who are in favour of wasting even more money.
La camarilla socialista y demócrata-cristiana dominante se está asegurando de que exista una mayoría permanente en el Parlamento que esté a favor de malgastar aún más dinero.