
"Christianism" in Spanish

"Christianism" in Spanish
community, and they should discharge it principally by living full Christian
cristiana, la cual ha de procurarlo ante todo con una vida plenamente cristiana
Christian Churches and Ecclesial Communities, represented in the Christian
eclesiales cristianas, representadas en la Asociación cristiana de
of human and Christian responsibility and the formation of correct judgments
tarea con responsabilidad humana y cristiana, y con dócil reverencia
For the Christian, acceptance of and solidarity with the stranger are not
Para el cristiano, la acogida y la solidaridad con el extranjero no sólo
Gospel are familiar to every Christian and in a particular way to every
son familiares a todo cristiano y, particularmente, a cada sacerdote.
For a Christian, therefore, joy is not an option, but a responsibility.
Para un cristiano, la alegría no es una posibilidad: es una responsabilidad.
than ever called to persevere in the search for Christian holiness:
los horizontes fascinantes de la santidad cristiana: el cristiano no debe
proper to Christian politicians, will make clear to them how they should act so as not to fall short, on
cristiana, que es la virtud propia del político cristiano, la que le indique
For the Christian, acceptance of and solidarity with the stranger are not
Para el cristiano, la acogida y la solidaridad con el extranjero no sólo