
"cristianos" in English

"cristianos" in English
cristianos{masculine plural}
cristianos{masculine plural}
cristianos con altas responsabilidades políticas e institucionales,
participants included Christians with highly responsible positions (at
ayuda espiritual para los cristianos de nuestra época y, especialmente, para
models and spiritual aids for the Christians of today, and especially for the
En realidad, los cristianos coptos siguen siendo una minoría considerable.
Actually, the Coptic Christians are still a considerable minority.
Para el cristiano, la acogida y la solidaridad con el extranjero no sólo
For the Christian, acceptance of and solidarity with the stranger are not
son familiares a todo cristiano y, particularmente, a cada sacerdote.
Gospel are familiar to every Christian and in a particular way to every
Para un cristiano, la alegría no es una posibilidad: es una responsabilidad.
For a Christian, therefore, joy is not an option, but a responsibility.
los horizontes fascinantes de la santidad cristiana: el cristiano no debe
than ever called to persevere in the search for Christian holiness:
cristiana, que es la virtud propia del político cristiano, la que le indique
proper to Christian politicians, will make clear to them how they should act so as not to fall short, on
Para el cristiano, la acogida y la solidaridad con el extranjero no sólo
For the Christian, acceptance of and solidarity with the stranger are not

Context examples for "cristianos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
una aldea de cristianos con el cometido de seguir las distintas actividades
village of Catholics, with responsibility for various pastoral activities, or to
cristianos, que el Concilio Ecuménico Vaticano II ha renovado con tan vehemente
by the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council with such impassioned commitment is
nosotros numerosos maestros cristianos de Italia, de Grecia y de Alemania, que
have reached us from Italy, from Greece and from Germany, who instruct us in
problema de la unión de los cristianos como simple consecuencia de la voluntad
unity with evangelical clarity as a simple consequence of the will of Jesus
Por ello, el Magisterio propone con claridad a todos los esposos cristianos
Thus (the Magisterium)...reaffirms and reproposes with clarity the Church's
las Comunidades, o de restablecerla entre los cristianos aún divididos.
communion between individuals and Communities, or to re-establish it between
cristianos de Roma: « El amor de Dios ha sido derramado en nuestros corazones
"God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit";
incluyendo en la renovación la tarea ecuménica de unir a los cristianos
Council, when it indicated as a dimension of renewal the ecumenical task of
Los esposos cristianos, para cumplir dignamente su deber de estado, están
Spouses, therefore, are fortified and, as it were, consecrated for the
a los cristianos de Cuba, llamados no sólo a proseguir el diálogo
Cuba, who are called not only to engage in dialogue in a spirit of respect but
Lo mejor de esos valores es que los cristianos pueden considerarlos valores cristianos.
The Constitution we are now debating is the framework provided for it.
En la Comisión hay demócrata-cristianos, socialistas y liberales.
The proposals I have put forward in this House are the result of a consensus.
Este ataque contra las convicciones es más agresivo contra los cristianos en varios lugares.
This attack on conviction is more aggressive towards Christianity in certain quarters.
cristianos a no encerrarse en sí mismos, aislándose del camino
to turn in on themselves, isolating themselves from the pastoral life of the
Presidente Berlusconi, en su intervención ha hecho usted hincapié en los valores cristianos.
I also wish to emphasise that I have criticised previous presidencies on the same account.
El objetivo del terrorismo es expulsar a los cristianos de los países árabes usando las masacres.
The aim of terrorism is to expel Christianity from Arab countries through mass murder.
cual se funda la fe de los cristianos es la reconstrucción del
founded is the rebuilding of the temple which is the body of the Crucified
término del segundo Milenio, nosotros los cristianos, que sabemos como el plan
With good reason, then, at the end of this Millennium, we
los templos cristianos son signo, sus seguidores saben que Dios está
Spirit is evoked by every church building, Christ’s followers know
cristianos deben ser conscientes de que ellos no pueden proceder según su
Married people should realize that in their behaviour they