
"National Socialist" in Spanish

"National Socialist" in Spanish
In my view, all dictatorships, whether we are talking about the cruelties of National Socialist or Communist systems, spring from the same source.
En mi opinión, todas las dictaduras, ya hablemos de las crueldades de los regímenes nacionalsocialistas o comunistas, tienen el mismo origen.
Although National Socialist totalitarianism was vanquished in 1945, Stalinist totalitarianism divided Europe and imposed its unjust rule on the peoples of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.
Aunque el totalitarismo nacionalsocialista fue derrotado en 1945, el totalitarismo estalinista dividió a Europa e impuso su injusto gobierno a los pueblos del Centro, Este y Sureste de Europa.

Similar translations for "National Socialist" in Spanish
Context examples for "National Socialist" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
However, there were also other victims of the National Socialist atrocities.
Sin embargo, también hubo otras víctimas de las atrocidades nacional socialistas.
National Socialist totalitarianism led the whole of Europe into ruination.
El totalitarismo del nacionalsocialismo llevó a toda Europa a la ruina.
Surely when a German national, a socialist talks ...
Sin duda, cuando un ciudadano alemán, un socialista habla...
In this instance, the European interpretation is a simple matter; it is that the Red Army played its part in freeing Europe from National Socialist Fascism.
En este caso, la interpretación europea es una cuestión simple, a saber, que el Ejército Rojo desempeñó su parte en la liberación de Europa del fascismo nazi.