
"democristiano" in English

"democristiano" in English
Esta declaración resulta especialmente importante para nosotros porque procede de un dirigente democristiano.
This statement is particularly significant to us because it comes from a leading Christian Democrat.
Como democristiano sueco no puedo apoyar esto.
As a Swedish Christian Democrat I cannot support this.
Sin embargo, al igual que el Grupo democristiano, ponemos muchos reparos al plazo de ocho días.
Yet, like the Christian Democrat Group, we have the gravest objection to the eight day period.

Context examples for "democristiano" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sin embargo, al igual que el Grupo democristiano, ponemos muchos reparos al plazo de ocho días.
Yet, like the Christian Democrat Group, we have the gravest objection to the eight day period.
Esta declaración resulta especialmente importante para nosotros porque procede de un dirigente democristiano.
This statement is particularly significant to us because it comes from a leading Christian Democrat.
. - (FR) He votado en contra del informe presentado por el democristiano francés, el señor Vatanen.
in writing. - (FR) I voted against this report, presented by the French Christian Democrat, Mr Vatanen.
Lamento extraordinariamente que el partido democristiano no se sienta esta vez capaz de hacerlo.
I deplore the fact that the Christian-Democratic group, in this instance, does not feel itself capable of doing this.
Como democristiano sueco no puedo apoyar esto.
As a Swedish Christian Democrat I cannot support this.
Queremos que las relaciones entre la Unión Europea y Turquía sean sólidas, resistentes y estables, al buen estilo democristiano.
In this instance, Mr Pinheiro, we are no advocates of the common law marriage the EU is to enter into with Turkey.
Queremos que las relaciones entre la Unión Europea y Turquía sean sólidas, resistentes y estables, al buen estilo democristiano.
We wish relations between the EU and Turkey to be strong, resilient, and stable – in good Christian Democrat style.
Esta declaración resulta especialmente importante para nosotros porque procede de un dirigente democristiano.
Lastly, in relation to Turkey, we support your approach and are delighted that you have stated that Islam in itself is not a topic of debate for its accession.
A mí me ha sorprendido menos, pero algunos de ustedes dirán que un buen democristiano que no cree en milagros no es un buen democristiano.
I am not so surprised, but some of you will say that a Christian Democrat who does not believe in miracles is not a good Christian Democrat.
El grupo democristiano, asesorado por determinados funcionarios de la Comisión Europea, es quien tiene mayor responsabilidad en ello.
And the key culprit is the Group of the European People's Party and European Democrats, prompted by certain officials from the European Commission.
El grupo democristiano, asesorado por determinados funcionarios de la Comisión Europea, es quien tiene mayor responsabilidad en ello.
And the key culprit is the Group of the European People' s Party and European Democrats, prompted by certain officials from the European Commission.
¿Les incomodaba en tanto negociador democristiano, cito a Rathenov, que se obligara a esas mujeres vietnamitas a abortar en caso de embarazo?
In the words of Rathenov, did it bother him as a Christian Socialist negotiator, that, in the event of their becoming pregnant, these Vietnamese women were forced to have abortions?
He oído decir a un político democristiano en un pueblo de los Países Bajos: "el correo es de todos y, si nos lo quitan, nos estarán robando".
I once heard a Christian Democratic politician make the following comment in a Dutch village: "The postal service belongs to us all; taking it away from us is tantamount to theft" .
He oído decir a un político democristiano en un pueblo de los Países Bajos: " el correo es de todos y, si nos lo quitan, nos estarán robando ".
I once heard a Christian Democratic politician make the following comment in a Dutch village: " The postal service belongs to us all; taking it away from us is tantamount to theft ".
Tal vez valga la pena recordar que mi partido, el Partido Democristiano Flamenco (CVP) siempre ha adoptado una actitud positiva respecto de este derecho europeo de elección.
Perhaps it could be written in large letters that my party, the Flemish Christian People's Party (CVP), have always been in favour of this European voting right.
En caso contrario, corremos el riesgo de ser corresponsables de la muerte de miles de ciudadanos inocentes y, en tanto democristiano, no puedo resignarme a ello.
Otherwise, there is a risk that we will be held partly responsible for the death of thousands of innocent citizens; a thought to which I, as a Christian-Democrat, cannot reconcile myself.
En tanto democristiano, creo que debemos estar con los que se encuentran en la situación más débil, en una situación más delicada y considero, por tanto, que éste es un desarrollo positivo.
As a Christian-Democrat, I think we have to side with those who are most under threat, those in the weakest position. As such, this is a positive development, in my view.