
"to cancel each other out" in Spanish

"to cancel each other out" in Spanish

Context examples for "to cancel each other out" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Some of the actions pursued by its different Directorates-General are contradictory and cancel each other out.
Algunas acciones que impulsan sus distintas Direcciones generales se contraponen y anulan.
When the figures are added up, these all cancel each other out.
Cuando se suman los montantes, las diferencias se anulan.
the two forces cancel each other out
las dos fuerzas se anulan
As with the systems of forces which are studied in basic physics, it makes no sense to implement policies which will cancel each other out.
Como en los sistemas de fuerzas que se estudian en física elemental, no tiene sentido poner en marcha políticas que se contrarresten mutuamente.
It is the basis of this agreement that incoming and outgoing mail cancel each other out and thereby create a national balance.
Un principio de este acuerdo es que el correo entrante y saliente nivele la balanza y que, de este modo, en el seno de los Estados se produzca una compensación.
We must avoid a situation where different bodies responsible for fighting fraud and corruption, such as OLAF and the financial irregularities panel, cancel each other out in their efforts.
Debemos evitar que los diferentes órganos encargados de la lucha contra el fraude y la corrupción, tales como la OLAF y el panel de irregularidades financieras, se boicoteen entre sí.
We do not need any new European powers - just co-ordination, because differing or even conflicting employment policies cancel each other out because of our interdependence in the Common Market.
No necesitamos ninguna competencia europea nueva, sino coordinación, pues las políticas de empleo, diferentes e incluso opuestas, se neutralizan debido a nuestra interdependencia en el mercado común.