
"blown out" in Spanish

"blown out" in Spanish
blown out{adjective}
reventado{adj. m} [fig.] (drogado)

Context examples for "blown out" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Whether wilfully or not, this has been blown out of some proportion by many in this House because they did not vote in favour of it.
Intencionadamente o no, muchos diputados a esta Asamblea lo han exagerado, porque no votaron a favor.
it's been blown up out of all proportion
lo han sacado totalmente de quicio
Those who believe in supranationality have blown their project out of all proportion by enlarging here, there and everywhere, without even knowing where their borders are.
Los que creen en la supranacionalidad han inflado su proyecto sin guardar las proporciones, ampliando por todas partes y sin saber siquiera dónde están sus fronteras.
Despite this, I am still convinced that the reprehensible incidents were blown out of all proportion, partly by the press and partly by politicians.
Sin embargo, no hay quién me quite la idea de que los incidentes reprobables se han sacado fuera de toda proporción, tanto por una parte de la prensa como por una parte de la clase política.
And this via media which we sought to bring forward - and as democrats we have to accept the win or loss - was blown out of the water by a procedure which disgusts me.
Y este término medio que buscábamos para darle un impulso -aunque como demócratas debemos aceptar la victoria o derrota- fue descartado mediante un procedimiento que me indigna.
As a result, the negotiations under way at the time under Norwegian mediation were blown out of the water and could only be continued with great difficulty outside the EU.
Como resultado, las negociaciones que se encontraban en curso bajo la mediación noruega sufrieron un serio revés y solo pudieron continuarse con gran dificultad fuera de la UE.