
"black gold" in Spanish

"black gold" in Spanish
If Iraq had no black gold, frankly no one would give a damn.
Si Iraq no tuviera oro negro, francamente a nadie le importaría un bledo.
The Dissostichus is of great commercial value (it is known as 'black gold') and its balance is very delicate.
El Dissostichus tiene un gran valor comercial (se le llama "oro negro") y su equilibrio es muy delicado.

Context examples for "black gold" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If Iraq had no black gold, frankly no one would give a damn.
Si Iraq no tuviera oro negro, francamente a nadie le importaría un bledo.
– Marc Fisher (Black Gold, Ax Men, Deadliest Catch, Raw Nature, Las Vegas), DS Nitris artist at MAX Post
– Marc Fisher (Black Gold, Ax Men, Deadliest Catch, Raw Nature, Las Vegas), DS Nitris artist at MAX Post
The Dissostichus is of great commercial value (it is known as 'black gold') and its balance is very delicate.
El Dissostichus tiene un gran valor comercial (se le llama "oro negro") y su equilibrio es muy delicado.