
"at your feet" in Spanish

"at your feet" in English

Similar translations for "at your feet" in Spanish
Context examples for "at your feet" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If you help (the cause of) Allah, He will help you and make firm your feet.
Si ayudáis a [la causa de] Dios, Él os ayudará, y hará firmes vuestros pasos;
Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet"
vuestro Señor y Maestro, os he lavado los pies, vosotros también
Prostrate at your feet, O Christ, today we want to share the bread
Postrados a tus pies, oh Cristo, queremos hoy compartir el pan de la
to stand up straight with your feet together and your hands by your sides
cuerpo erguido, pies juntos, los brazos a los lados
I want to advise you, however, to keep your feet on the ground.
Sin embargo, le aconsejo que mantenga los pies en la tierra.
Will you also move decisively - not drag your feet - on the bornafter date scheme?
¿Actuarán con decisión -y no como hasta ahora- en relación con el plan sobre las reses nacidas después de determinada fecha?
You look far away and then you know where you are going and you automatically put your feet in the right place.
Miras a lo lejos y entonces sabes a dónde vas a ir y automáticamente pones los pies en el sitio adecuado.
You do not look at your feet when you run in a forest.
Cuando corres por un bosque no miras a tus pies.
this exercise should be done with your feet together
hay que hacer este ejercicio con los pies juntos
if you keep your feet warm, you don't feel the cold
si llevas los pies abrigados no sientes el frío
We shall support you in that movement, but we shall oppose you if by any chance you should drag your feet, which I am sure you will not.
Le apoyaremos en este movimiento. Le combatiremos si por casualidad, algo que no puedo creer, manifiesta inercia.
If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet" (Jn 13:13-14).
Pues si yo, siendo vuestro Señor y Maestro, os he lavado los pies, vosotros también debéis lavaros los pies unos a otros» (Jn 13, 13-14).
to sit down, take the weight off your feet
siéntate y descansa un poco
Would you, Mr President, throw yourself off a bridge with an elastic cord tied to your feet, as so many young people do these days?
Usted, señor Presidente,¿se tiraría desde un puente con una cinta elástica atada en el pie, como lo hacen muchos jóvenes ahora?
Would you, Mr President, throw yourself off a bridge with an elastic cord tied to your feet, as so many young people do these days?
Usted, señor Presidente, ¿se tiraría desde un puente con una cinta elástica atada en el pie, como lo hacen muchos jóvenes ahora?
to wipe your feet on the mat
límpiate los pies en el felpudo
to go home and put your feet up
vete a casa a descansar
to take your feet off the sofa
quita los pies del sofá
to take your feet off the sofa
saca los pies del sofá
don't drag your feet
no arrastres los pies