
"assistantship" in Spanish

Also present were their Local Assistants and the Regional Assistant Br.
También estuvo presente su Asistente local y Asistente regional Fr.
At the Chapter, about 50 Capitulars were present with their National Assistant, Br.
En el Capítulo estuvieron presentes alrededor de 50 capitulares con su Asistente nacional Fr.
The assistant simply belongs in the organisational chart.
El asistente debe integrarse sencillamente en el organigrama.
I actually have my assistant import each scene into its own specific folder.
De hecho, mi ayudante importa cada escena a su propia carpeta específica.
I had an assistant check that I was indeed listed.
Le pedí a un ayudante que comprobara si mi nombre figuraba en la lista.
The Institute currently has just a director and an assistant.
En la actualidad, el Instituto posee únicamente un director y un ayudante.
Administrative Assistant
Auxiliar administrativo
administrative assistant
auxiliar administrativo
administrative assistant
auxiliar administrativa
pasante{m} (ayudante)
The shop assistant told her that her guarantee had run out, and that she was not eligible for a refund.
El dependiente le dice que su garantía ha expirado y que no puede devolverlo.
Most went on to work as domestic workers, at market stalls or as shop assistants.
La mayoría pasaban a trabajar en labores domésticas, en tenderetes de mercado o de dependientes en tiendas.
20 % of young women suffer from nickel allergy. They are, for example, supermarket cashiers and shop assistants.
El 20 por ciento de las mujeres jóvenes sufre de alergia al níquel y ellas son, por ejemplo, cajeras en autoservicios y dependientas.
adjunto{adj. m}
As regards the delegation, the delegate has been appointed, as has the assistant delegate.
En lo que concierne a la delegación, el delegado está nombrado, el delegado adjunto también.
selection procedure to fill the position of assistant lecturer
concurso para cubrir una plaza de profesor adjunto
Data protection (appointment of the European supervisor and the assistant supervisor): see Minutes
Protección de datos (nombramiento del Supervisor Europeo y del Supervisor Adjunto): véase el Acta
adjunta{adj. f}
they upgraded her to the status of assistant director
la ascendieron a directora adjunta
auxiliar{adj.} (profesor, magistrado)
Administrative Assistant
Auxiliar administrativo
administrative assistant
auxiliar administrativo
administrative assistant
auxiliar administrativa

Synonyms (English) for "assistant":