
"and now it turns out that" in Spanish

"and now it turns out that" in English
And now it turns out that we have here the regulation which announces that unilateral disarmament on the part of the European Union.
Y ahora resulta que ya tenemos aquí el reglamento que anuncia ese desarme unilateral de la Unión Europea.
It was said that its mandate would last until January and now it turns out that the date for the end of the Commission's operations is being brought forward.
Se dijo que su mandato duraría hasta enero y ahora resulta que se adelanta el plazo de finalización de funciones la Comisión.

Similar translations for "and now it turns out that" in Spanish
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Context examples for "and now it turns out that" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Now it turns out that a substantial part of an approved amendment has not been included in the approved text.
Ahora resulta que en el texto aprobado, no se ha recogido una parte esencial de la enmienda aprobada.
And now it turns out that we have here the regulation which announces that unilateral disarmament on the part of the European Union.
Y ahora resulta que ya tenemos aquí el reglamento que anuncia ese desarme unilateral de la Unión Europea.
Now it turns out that the directive is being put on ice for the time being so as not to give the French ‘no’ camp any more trump cards.
Ahora resulta que la Directiva se deja en suspenso de momento para no dar al «no» francés ningún triunfo más.
Now it turns out that the directive is being put on ice for the time being so as not to give the French ‘ no’ camp any more trump cards.
Ahora resulta que la Directiva se deja en suspenso de momento para no dar al« no» francés ningún triunfo más.
now it turns out he was a journalist
ahora resulta que era periodista
and now it turns out that
y ahora resulta que
It was said that its mandate would last until January and now it turns out that the date for the end of the Commission's operations is being brought forward.
Se dijo que su mandato duraría hasta enero y ahora resulta que se adelanta el plazo de finalización de funciones la Comisión.