
"alternative service" in Spanish

"alternative service" in English

Context examples for "alternative service" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In many cases, there is no alternative public transport service available.
En muchos casos, no existe un servicio alternativo de transporte público disponible.
An equivalent form of civilian service must be offered as an alternative to military service.
En su lugar, debe existir la posibilidad de realizar un servicio civil como alternativa al militar.
Item 27 gives the reader the idea that there is no viable alternative to military service in Finland.
El punto 27 da al lector la idea de que no hay una alternativa viable al servicio militar en Finlandia.
That posed the twin problem of safety, which must nevertheless be guaranteed, and of possibly allowing an alternative service.
Esto nos planteaba el doble problema de la seguridad, que es preciso garantizar en cualquier caso, y de la posibilidad de autorizar un servicio alternativo.
In order to prevent this, some countries have been able to use alternative sentences, community service and day fines to provide a punishment that is more efficient than imprisonment.
Y ahí, una serie de países, mediante penas sustitutivas, trabajos de interés general, días-multa, han visto posibilidades de encontrar una rehabilitación de mejor calidad que la de la prisión.