
"along the way" in Spanish

"along the way" in Spanish
If it does so, that will be regarded as essential progress along the way.
Si lo hace, se consideraría un avance esencial en el camino.
These players are often simply dumped along the way, and subsequently go underground.
Estos jugadores son a menudo abandonados en el camino y se ven abocados a la marginación.
Along the way we have faced difficulties and sometimes scepticism.
En el camino nos hemos enfrentado a dificultades y, en ocasiones, al escepticismo.

Similar translations for "along the way" in Spanish
el- los- la- las
to thepreposition
Context examples for "along the way" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Many of the refugees had been severely frost-bitten and many had died along the way.
Muchos de ellos sufrieron graves congelamientos y muchos otros perecieron.
It will take time for Belarus and there will be many obstacles along the way.
Llevará tiempo a Belarús y habrá muchos obstáculos a lo largo del camino.
“We were able to capture and work with the full extent of the image all along the way.
“We were able to capture and work with the full extent of the image all along the way.
These players are often simply dumped along the way, and subsequently go underground.
Estos jugadores son a menudo abandonados en el camino y se ven abocados a la marginación.
Although, in our view, even this solemn act in Nice cannot but be a step along the way.
Sin embargo, a nuestro parecer, la ceremonia de Niza sólo puede ser un paso transitorio.
All along the way, hundreds of thousands of people came to support him.
A lo largo de estos 3000 Km, centenares de personas han venido a apoyarlo.
The Stabilisation and Association Agreement is a tool to be used along the way.
El Acuerdo de Estabilización y Asociación es un instrumento que se usará a lo largo del camino.
There may well be other stations along the way, but membership should be the terminus.
Puede haber otras estaciones a lo largo de la ruta, pero la adhesión ha de ser el término.
Along the way we have faced difficulties and sometimes scepticism.
En el camino nos hemos enfrentado a dificultades y, en ocasiones, al escepticismo.
Jesus continues to offer salvation through the Spirit as the Church goes along Her way.
Jesús sigue ofreciendo la salvación por medio de su Espíritu durante el camino de la Iglesia.
We were expecting tough, rigorous negotiation, but we lost our partners along the way.
Esperábamos unas negociaciones duras, rigurosas, pero perdimos a nuestros socios en el camino.
Many sceptics along the way must have aroused justified anger in you.
Muchos escépticos habrán despertado un enfado justificado en usted.
However, this proposal for a directive has already suffered several accidents along the way.
Sin embargo, la propuesta de Directiva ya ha sufrido varios accidentes a lo largo del camino.
If it does so, that will be regarded as essential progress along the way.
Si lo hace, se consideraría un avance esencial en el camino.
I hope that Albania proceeds along its way towards the Union in a determined and unhesitating manner.
Espero que Albania siga su camino hacia la Unión de una forma determinante y sin titubeos.
The euro was always just a marker along the way to further development of the European Union.
El euro ha sido siempre sólo una señal en el camino hacia un mayor desarrollo de la Unión Europea.
There may well be other stations along the way, but membership should be the terminus.
Se nos ha presentado una oportunidad de avivar las llamas de la revolución del pueblo en otro país europeo.
The European Parliament's opinion at first reading does indeed constitute a milestone along our way.
El dictamen en primera lectura del Parlamento Europeo constituye, en efecto, una etapa capital.
The European Parliament' s opinion at first reading does indeed constitute a milestone along our way.
El dictamen en primera lectura del Parlamento Europeo constituye, en efecto, una etapa capital.
Nevertheless, I am very anxious about the way this is going and the resistance that is met along the way.
Sin embargo, estoy preocupado por la marcha de estos esfuerzos y la resistencia encontrada.