
"absolutely not" in Spanish

"absolutely not" in Spanish
As European federalists, we can have absolutely no confidence in you whatsoever.
Como federalistas europeos no podemos otorgarle en absoluto nuestra confianza.
There is absolutely no question of acting through imposition and paternalism.
No se trata, en absoluto, de actuar por medio de imposiciones o de paternalismos.
This is absolutely disproportionate and in no way helps the peace process.
Eso es absolutamente desproporcionado y no ayuda en absoluto al proceso de paz.

Context examples for "absolutely not" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This report contains quite a few proposals that we absolutely cannot support.
Este informe recoge bastantes propuestas que no podemos apoyar en absoluto.
As European federalists, we can have absolutely no confidence in you whatsoever.
Como federalistas europeos no podemos otorgarle en absoluto nuestra confianza.
All this is absolutely false, and is solely intended to facilitate a massacre.
Todo esto es absolutamente falso y su única intención es facilitar una masacre.
In this context, the review of the Neighbourhood Policy is absolutely necessary.
En este contexto, es absolutamente necesario revisar la Política de Vecindad.
It is, of course, absolutely fundamental that they have access to information.
Por supuesto, es absolutamente imprescindible que tengan acceso a la información.
It is absolutely essential that we should make these flows of funds transparent.
Es absolutamente esencial que estos movimientos de fondos sean transparentes.
At the European level, though, we absolutely have to build up our capacities.
Pero a escala europea es absolutamente necesario que reforcemos nuestros medios.
In future, we will have to be able to demonstrate that this is absolutely vital.
En el futuro vamos a tener que poder demostrar que es urgentemente necesario.
The fact is that, internationally, the price competition is absolutely ruthless.
A fin de cuentas, internacionalmente existe una feroz competencia de precios.
There is absolutely no question of acting through imposition and paternalism.
No se trata, en absoluto, de actuar por medio de imposiciones o de paternalismos.
I am absolutely sure that the European Union and the Commission can do that.
Estoy completamente seguro de que la Unión Europea y la Comisión pueden hacerlo.
The creation of an enterprise culture within the Union is absolutely essential.
La creación de una cultura empresarial en la Unión es absolutamente esencial.
May I also state clearly that I am absolutely in favour of a multiethnic Kosovo.
Resultaba fácil prever las revueltas y los linchamientos por las multitudes.
So it is absolutely necessary that pressure should be exerted in favour of peace.
Por ello, las presiones en favor de la paz son absolutamente necesarias, pero¿cómo?
In this respect, I believe that the role of the press is an absolutely vital one.
En este sentido, creo que el papel de la prensa es un papel absolutamente esencial.
This was a great day for Portugal, and an absolutely marvellous day for women.
Fue un gran día para Portugal, y un día absolutamente maravilloso para las mujeres.
These are absolutely clear barriers which should be systematically dismantled ...
Estas son barreras totalmente obvias que se deberían desmantelar sistemáticamente...
May I also state clearly that I am absolutely in favour of a multiethnic Kosovo.
Proclamo con la misma claridad que estoy totalmente a favor de un Kosovo multiétnico.
MrMartin, you are absolutely correct and this is certainly the right path to take.
Señor Martin, tiene usted toda la razón y este es sin duda el camino adecuado.
The reform that is now in its initial stages will change absolutely nothing.
La reforma que acaba de ponerse en marcha no conseguirá cambiar nada en absoluto.