
"whacking" in Spanish

bestial{adj.} [coll.]
colosal{adj.} [coll.]
Consequently, amounts entered in reserve - and that whacking big sum of EUR 125 million is in reserve - for agreements which have not been concluded, are considered to be non-compulsory.
En consecuencia, los importes asignados a la reserva - y esa suma colosal de 125 millones de euros está en la reserva - para acuerdos que aún no han sido concluidos se consideran no obligatorios.
to whack[whacked · whacked] {transitive verb}
Louisiana (USA) Five years after Hurricane Katrina whacked down the population of the invasive, wetland-munching rodents in Louisiana, nutria have bounced back.
Luisiana (USA) Cinco años después de que el huracán Katrina golpeara a la población de roedores invasivos de los humedales, las nutrias han vuelto a levantarse.
whack(also: thump)
he copped a whack on the head
se llevó un porrazo en la cabeza
they all want their whack
todos quieren su parte
whack(also: smack)
guaracazo{m} [Chile] [coll.] (golpe fuerte)
whack(also: smack)
huaracazo{m} [Chile] [coll.] (golpe fuerte)
tequichazo{m} [Ven.] [coll.]

Synonyms (English) for "whacking":
Context examples for "whacking" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
is that whacking great car yours?
¿es tuyo ese cochazo?
a whacking big salary
un sueldazo
To be fair to her, she really gave the fossils a good whacking after the Lisbon Treaty vote in Ireland, and will be well remembered for a fantastic turn of phrase.
Para ser justa con ella, les dio una buena paliza a los fósiles tras el voto por el Tratado de Lisboa en Irlanda, y se la recordará por su fantástica forma de hablar.