
"vale la pena" in English

"vale la pena" in English
si vale la pena hacerlo, vale la pena hacerlo bien
if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well
vale la pena dedicarle un poco más de tiempo y esfuerzo al trabajo
it's worth taking a little extra time and trouble over the job
Vale la pena que dediques unos minutos a asegurarte de que el equipo funciona de manera óptima.
It's worth taking a few minutes to make sure your PC is performing at its peak.

Context examples for "vale la pena" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No vale la pena que mantengamos 27 sistemas distintos en es ámbito importante.
It is no good us operating with 27 different systems in this important area.
Creo que vale la pena responder a estas preguntas, pero ello necesita un cierto tiempo.
I believe that these questions do deserve an answer, but for that you need time.
Es algo que no ocurre muy a menudo, pero cuando ocurre vale la pena destacarlo.
That is something that does not happen very often, but when it happens it is worthy of note!
Como han dicho otros, existen asuntos de mayor calado que vale la pena investigar más a fondo.
As others have said, there are wider issues that are worthy of further inquiry.
Está demostrando que vale la pena que Europa se construya y se sienta.
It is demonstrating that Europe deserves to be built and to be experienced.
Hay otras enmiendas de este informe que también vale la pena considerar.
There are other amendments to this report also worthy of consideration.
Así se agilizarían nuestros debates, y eso es algo que vale la pena.
That is something that should liven up our debates and is well worthwhile.
Exigen una gran inversión de tiempo y recursos, pero estoy seguro de que vale la pena.
It is a big investment of your time and resources, but I am sure that it is one that pays off.
A ese respecto, no vale la pena emplear eufemismos ni lenguaje alguno de carácter diplomático.
There is no point on this issue using euphemisms or diplomatic language.
Por lo tanto, creo que vale la pena profundizar en este tema.
I do therefore believe that the issue should be dealt with in greater depth.
Vale la pena simplificar, aunque sin cambiar radicalmente, en la fase en la que nos encontramos.
It makes sense to simplify but not to radically change at this stage.
Vale la pena esforzarse al máximo por el desarrollo de las dimensiones regional y subregional.
Can even the President of Ukraine be innocent regarding that issue?
En cuanto al cáncer de cuello uterino, se ha demostrado que la citología vale la pena.
We must look at how we can extend that to other age groups.
Europa solo vale la pena si pensamos, decidimos y trabajamos juntos.
Europe is worthwhile only if we think, decide and work together.
Todos sabemos que invertir en la prevención de catástrofes vale la pena.
We all know that investing in disaster prevention pays off.
Espero que nos convenza de que es una inversión que vale la pena.
I hope you will convince us that it is a worthwhile investment.
para el dinero que sacamos, ni vale la pena que nos molestemos
for all the money we make out of it, we might as well not bother
Te da la oportunidad de viajar y vivir en el extranjero al mismo tiempo que se hace algo que vale la pena.
It gives you the opportunity to travel and live abroad, while doing something worthwhile.
¿Qué perderemos si las empresas deciden que no vale la pena de ocuparse de esta directiva?
So where would we lose out if companies decided that they were not going to bother to use this directive?
Posteriormente, podemos examinar si vale la pena fusionarlos, en caso de que así convenga.
After that, we can examine whether it would be worthwhile, as may well prove to be the case, to merge them.