
"it's worth it" in Spanish

"it's worth it" in Spanish
if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well
si vale la pena hacerlo, vale la pena hacerlo bien
it's worth taking a little extra time and trouble over the job
vale la pena dedicarle un poco más de tiempo y esfuerzo al trabajo
It's worth taking a few minutes to make sure your PC is performing at its peak.
Vale la pena que dediques unos minutos a asegurarte de que el equipo funciona de manera óptima.

Similar translations for "it's worth it" in Spanish
Context examples for "it's worth it" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It does not think that these now sterile waters are worth EUR 86 million a year.
Considera que esas aguas ya estériles no valen ya 86 millones de euros al año.
It is worth remembering, however, who it was who helped promote him to high office.
No obstante, merece la pena recordar quien ayudó a ascenderle a tan alto puesto.
There are also a number of further points which are worth conveying to Parliament.
Hay, además, varios otros aspectos que merecen ser comentados en el Parlamento.
The United States has ordered approximately 100 million dollars’ worth of vaccine.
Los Estados Unidos han encargado vacunas por valor de 100 millones de dólares.
Mr Schnellhardt made a few comments on this question that are worth considering.
El Sr. Schnellhardt ya ha hecho algunas reflexiones dignas de atención en sí mismas.
Just as Mr Macartney said, it is worth noting that the problems are not the same.
Tal como dijo Macartney, merece la pena observar que no es el mismo problema.
The United States has ordered approximately 100 million dollars ’ worth of vaccine.
Los Estados Unidos han encargado vacunas por valor de 100 millones de dólares.
It is worth pointing out that the CAP was one of the foundation policies of the EU.
Merece la pena señalar que la PAC fue una de las políticas fundacionales de la UE.
Checking negligible items often costs much more than the items themselves are worth.
Muchas veces, comprobar asuntos sin importancia cuesta mucho más de lo que valen.
The United States calculated that these measures were worth 97.2 million dollars.
Los Estados Unidos cuantificaron estas medidas en 97, 2 millones de dólares.
Very briefly, it is worth reminding ourselves what the background to this issue is.
Conviene que recordemos muy brevemente cuál es el trasfondo de este problema.
Perhaps it is worth reviewing such minor matters, in order to help our citizens.
Quizá merezca la pena revisar tales asuntos menores para ayudar a nuestros ciudadanos.
It is therefore well worth discussing together what steps we need to take next.
Por eso merece la pena debatir entre todos sobre los pasos que deben darse.
These are scholarships which will be generous - worth about EUR 19 000 each year.
Se trata de unas becas generosas - por valor de unos 19.000 euros anuales.
All of these models must have equal worth when it comes to implementation.
Todos estos modelos deben tener la misma importancia en cuanto a su aplicación.
Even then it is not guaranteed that we can be successful but it is worth a try.
Incluso cuando lo hagamos el éxito no está garantizado pero merece la pena intentarlo.
There is a major risk that it will not be worth the paper it is written on.
Existe el riesgo de que no merezca la pena el papel sobre el que está escrito.
That seems to be quite a long way away, but let us hope it is worth the wait.
Parece que todavía falta mucho, pero confiemos en que valga la pena esperar.
I have no problems with this and nor, for what it is worth, does my group.
No tengo inconvenientes al respecto, ni tampoco mi Grupo, por si sirve de algo.
Madam President, our rejection of the proposal in 1995 was well worth the trouble.
Señora Presidenta, nuestro rechazo de la propuesta en 1995 mereció la pena.