
"unas pocas" in English

"unas pocas" in English
unas pocas{adjective feminine plural}
unas pocas{adjective feminine plural}
a few{adj.}
Unas pocas empresas multinacionales dominarían entonces el mercado europeo.
A few multinational companies would then dominate the European market.
Quisiera mencionar simplemente unas pocas cuestiones relativas a terceros países.
I would like to mention just a few issues concerning third countries.
En unas pocas semanas, sería catastrófico para la Unión Europea.
This would prove to be catastrophic for the European Union within a few weeks.

Context examples for "unas pocas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En lo relativo a las demás Instituciones, sólo quiero hacer unas pocas observaciones.
As far as the other institutions are concerned, I only have a few comments to make.
Quisiera decir unas pocas palabras sobre el futuro papel de la UE en Kosovo.
I should like to say a few words about the future role of the EU in Kosovo.
Quiero centrarme en unas pocas cuestiones, porque ya se han dicho muchas cosas.
I should like to focus on just a few points, because many things have already been said.
Deseo también añadir unas pocas palabras sobre el procedimiento de conciliación.
I should also like to add a few words about the conciliation procedure.
En primer lugar, tal vez unas pocas palabras sobre el tema del fundamento jurídico.
First, perhaps, I should say something on the question of the legal base.
Existen unas pocas áreas en particular en las que la UE debe ser más enérgica.
There are a few areas in particular where the EU must be more forceful.
Desgraciadamente, Benazir Bhutto fue asesinada unas pocas semanas antes de las elecciones.
Unfortunately, Benazir Bhutto was assassinated a few weeks prior to the elections.
Tengo algunos comentarios más a las enmiendas núms. 43, 51 y 46 y a unas pocas más.
I have some further comments on Amendments Nos 43, 51 and 46, as well as on a few others.
Señor Presidente, solo quiero responder a unas pocas cuestiones que se han planteado.
Mr President, I just want to reply to a few points that have been raised.
– Señor Presidente, quisiera empezar con unas pocas palabras sobre los trenes.
Mr President, I would like to start with a few words about trains.
Quisiera mencionar simplemente unas pocas cuestiones relativas a terceros países.
I would like to mention just a few issues concerning third countries.
Este lugar no se puede cambiar sencillamente mediante unas pocas formalidades.
This position cannot simply be changed by means of a few formalities.
Señor Presidente, hace unas pocas semanas debatimos el informe sobre regímenes totalitarios.
Mr President, a few weeks ago we discussed the report on totalitarian regimes.
Sólo hay que recordar de nuevo la celebérrima «revolución verde» de hace unas pocas décadas.
We only need think back to the much-feted 'green revolution' of a few decades ago.
Por ello ocuparé su lugar en nombre del Grupo de los Liberales y diré unas pocas palabras.
I shall therefore replace him on behalf of the Liberals and say a few words.
Unas pocas empresas multinacionales dominarían entonces el mercado europeo.
A few multinational companies would then dominate the European market.
– Señor Presidente, quisiera empezar con unas pocas palabras sobre los trenes.
Mr President, I would like to start with a few words about trains.
Sólo hay que recordar de nuevo la celebérrima« revolución verde» de hace unas pocas décadas.
We only need think back to the much-feted 'green revolution ' of a few decades ago.
Quiero centrarme en unas pocas cuestiones, porque ya se han dicho muchas cosas.
The 2004 budget is very much a continuation of the 2003 structure.
Unos pocos titulares fáciles, unas pocas líneas impresas apartan a esta gente de la realidad.
A few cheap headlines, a few inches of print remove such people from reality.