
"transit visa" in Spanish

"transit visa" in English
On the airport transit visa, the European Court of Justice has in fact delivered a very clear ruling to Parliament.
En lo tocante al visado de tránsito en aeropuertos, el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo ha proporcionado al Parlamento una base bastante clara.

Context examples for "transit visa" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Russia has pressed home its desire to obtain the right to visa-free transit by train through Lithuania.
Rusia ha dejado claro su deseo de obtener el derecho de tránsito por tren sin visado por Lituania.
On the airport transit visa, the European Court of Justice has in fact delivered a very clear ruling to Parliament.
En lo tocante al visado de tránsito en aeropuertos, el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo ha proporcionado al Parlamento una base bastante clara.
As regards transit arrangements and the visa issue, we are seeking an arrangement within the framework of the existing Schengen acquis.
Para la regulación del tránsito y la cuestión de los visados buscamos una solución en el marco del actual acervo de Schengen.