
"to butt in on" in Spanish

"to butt in on" in Spanish
chalequear{v.t.} [Ven.] [coll.] (cuento)

Context examples for "to butt in on" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he has spent 20 years working his butt off in the factory
lleva 20 años echando los bofes en la fábrica
having to get up at that time is a pain in the butt
tener que levantarse a esa hora es un embole
he nestled the butt of the rifle into his shoulder
apoyó la culata del rifle contra el hombro
I was the butt of - as Mrs Pollack has said - some of the most ferocious lobbying ever seen in this Parliament.
Tal como ha dicho la Sra. Pollack, fui blanco de una de las presiones más feroces que jamás se hayan visto en este Parlamento.
Because the glue joint is a butt joint, it is strongest when the forces are pushing inward against the joint.
Dado que la unión adherida es una unión con juntas de tope, será más fuerte cuando las fuerzas actúen hacia adentro sobre la unión.
he deserves to get his butt kicked
merece que le den una buena patada en el culo
she threw the cigarette butt out of the window
tiró la colilla por la ventanilla
he had to butt in and spoil everything!
¡tenía que meterse y estropearlo todo!
he was the butt of everyone's jokes
era objeto de las burlas de todos
he had to work his butt off to finish it
le costó sudores terminarlo
don't butt in when I'm talking
no interrumpas cuando estoy hablando
I've worked my butt off
me he dado una panzada de trabajar
My message to them is clear: butt out of an Irish sovereign decision, because nobody will tell the Irish electors what to do.
Mi mensaje para ellos es claro: dejen de entrometerse en una decisión irlandesa soberana, porque nadie les dirá a los electores irlandeses lo que deben hacer.
I fell right on my butt
me caí de culo
to butt out
dejar de entrometerse
to butt out
dejar de entrometerse
to butt out
dejar de entrometerse
she has a big butt
es muy potona
to butt out
mandarse a cambiar
to butt out
mandarse a mudar